Final Chapter

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The spring moved to summer. Seth and Chris were busy with spraying; we were all preying for rain. I hadn't slept a night in my own house for almost three months. Seth and I had settled into a comfortable rhythm. Slowly, my stuff had migrated out to the trailer until there wasn't much left in my own house but the essentials. I decided that I was going to rent it out in August. Nate had convinced Renee to move out to our little town but not in with him so I offered her my place to rent out for a low price while so she would have her own place with her daughter. Nate wasn't enthused that she wasn't willing to live at his place yet, but it was progress.

Dana and Danny were going strong. She moved in with him on the July 1st weekend. Danny doted on her, he was so sweet with her. Dana remained shy but he brought out her playful side. The two of them did Karaoke with us on Thursday nights at the bar and Dana was very fond of the Shania Twain songs. They were our favorite couple to hang out with. Sometimes Toni and Henry would join us, but with two small kids at home it was difficult for them to get out. However, when they did come Toni would insist on doing group numbers with Dana and I, which were always followed by a trio of shots and shenanigans.

The rest of the guys were regular fixtures out at our place. Even Matt started to come out and hang out with Seth and I from time to time. Our kitchen became the focal point of beers and tears. Calvin and Seth managed to relax back into being friends after some time had passed. Derrick continued to tease Seth about stealing me away from him if he ever messed up. I would always shake my head and tell him it wasn't possible.

Judy and I only grew closer. She had taken to calling me her daughter and introduced me as such when we met with people. I loved her as though she was my own mother, and I felt she loved me the way a mother should. Judy had become my greatest confidant and vice versa. It was a special relationship that I cherished.

Things with Lesley were never easy. Over time, Seth convinced me to have her out to the farm once and a while for a BBQ. We were never going to be close, I didn't want that with her. However, we became cordial and it did become more natural to spend time with her. I never called Lesley 'mom' though. She was never going to be my mom, that wasn't a title she could earn. Lesley stayed in town, and she stayed healthy. We had her out for holidays with the Walkers and they were warm and welcoming with her, there was never any judgment or gossip. I was grateful for that.

One afternoon when I was off work Seth came into the trailer. He had a catalogue with him. I was standing at the sink washing up some garden potatoes Judy had dropped off that morning for us. He walked up to me with a grin, I looked at him with mischief, "What's up sweetie?"

He showed me the cover of the catalogue, it ready J&H Homes: Building Canadian Homes for Over 50 Years. I stared at the cover and then looked up at him, "What?" Seth rolled his eyes at me and sighed, "Well, I've been thinking we might build our own home together. Remember when I took you out to my great-grandparent's yard? We could have our own house out there."

My eyes went wide at him and I smiled, I couldn't stop myself, "Are you serious?" He nodded and wrapped me up in a hug. Seth pulled me to the kitchen table and we started flipping through the catalogue. There were so many options, it was difficult to know exactly where to start. As I drew a small star next to the ones I liked, Seth kissed my temple. He slid my hair behind my ear and snuggled into my neck.

"Do you like the cabin style? I think they are beautiful." I told him and I pointed to one of the houses. Seth nodded and smiled at me, "I love that style, baby." I circled it twice before I flipped the page. We spent almost two hours pouring over the catalogue. Seth told me he would like to put up a small barn out in the yard and put up some fencing for horses. I said I would like to get my own chicken coup and plant a small garden. We smiled at each other as we planned out our own homestead.

That night as we were getting ready for bed Seth was taking a shower. He called to me from the bathroom, "Baby, can you bring me some pajama pants? I forgot to bring them in my drawer." I rolled my eyes, not sure why he didn't just come out and them. It wasn't like I hadn't seen him naked a million times. I went into his underwear drawer and searched. There were no pajamas in there but I did find a small, black velvet box sitting on top of all his boxer shorts. It wasn't even hidden, just sitting on top.

I stared at it, wondering if I should open it or not. I picked up the small box and held it in my palm for a moment. I hadn't noticed that Seth had come out of the bathroom, in a clean pair of boxer shorts. He smiled at me, "Open it up baby."

Slowly, I opened the box and there it was, the most elegant diamond ring I could imagine. It wasn't showy or over the top, it was simple. It was my style, and I loved it immediately. Tears swelled in the corners of my eyes as I let out a small gasp. Seth turned me gently to face him, "Margot, I love you so much baby, will you be my wife?"

I sucked in a deep breath. I whispered, "Yes, Seth Walker. Yes, I will." He kissed me over and over again. I could feel that Seth wasn't a bit nervous, he was just happy. I pulled back from him and looked into his face, "When did you find the time to get this? We haven't been to the city since that day we went to Regina." He smirked at me, "Well, when you asked to see what was in my pocket, you didn't specify which pocket. I had your necklace in one pocket and that ring in the other."

"You've had this ring for months?" I asked. He nodded, "I love you baby, I've known I wanted you to be my wife for a long time. When I saw it, I had to buy it. It was made for you." Seth took the ring from the box and slipped it on my wedding finger.

I shook my head, "No, you were made for me." I kissed him deeply and pulled him back to the bed with me. We tumbled into each other's arms and made love until the early hours of the morning. I had found my bliss out here on the farm, among the wild flowers, gravel roads and wheat fields. I was happy with Seth Walker, and more importantly, I was happy with myself.


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