Chapter 15

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I woke up the next morning to a kiss, Seth was heading out to his meeting, "I'll be back later in the morning. I left some cash on the table. Pick up two 24's and some snacks for tonight please baby. I'll see you later." I grumbled and rolled back over. He giggled and left me to sleep. When I did finally get up it was after 8am. I found some coffee already made for me and about two hundred dollars in cash on the kitchen table. He really did trust me; I could easily rob him blind with the key he gave me. I chuckled at the thought.

The coffee tasted amazing, I enjoyed my days off so I didn't have to rush. I put on a hoodie and took my mug outside so I could have a smoke. I sat next to the fire pit in one of the law chairs and lit up. The farm yard was very beautiful in the morning sun. I looked around, the hopper bottoms were shinning in the light, almost blinding. The Walker farmhouse was a beautiful two story log cabin style with a warp around covered porch. I'd never been inside but I heard it was nice. There were two modest trucks parked side by side in front of the garage doors and a quad next to them. The tall evergreen trees around the back of the entire farmyard added privacy and elegance. It was a picture right out of Canadian Living magazine.

I saw the screen door open on the farm house and a golden retriever came paddling out. A woman followed it and stretched in the morning sun. She was still in her house coat. When we saw each other she started to cross the yard to come over to me. I realized it was Judy, Charlie's daughter from the home. I knew I recognized her, she was Seth's mother. My face went pale when I realized she was coming over to talk to me. I had no idea what to say, I wanted to run back into the trailer but by the time I was about to make my run she was already within talking distance.

"Margot, hello, I thought that was you." Judy said with a smile on her face. I looked at her, I tried to form words but nothing came out of my mouth.

She came up to the fire pit and sat down across from me. The dog had followed her and lay down at her feet, "This is Rex, don't mind him. He won't bother you."

I nodded, looking into my coffee mug. I was at a complete loss for words, sitting across from my first ever boyfriend's mother. What was I supposed to say? This was not how we were supposed to meet. I felt like my stomach was going to make a mad dash out of my mouth.

Judy took a sip of her coffee and offered me a smile, "So, how are you?"

"I'm good... how are you?" I forced the words through my mouth. She looked around the yard and sighed, "Well, it's getting to seeding time. My husband, Chris is getting ready. He's out changing the oil in the tractor this morning. Seth went in to town for a meeting with the Co-Op, but I suspect you already know that."

I felt my cheeks blush and a smile cross my face, I dared to glance up at her. Judy smiled at me as she sipped her coffee, "He's told me a bit about you. My son is pretty fond of you."

"I like him too." I told her, but it came out a whisper. She nodded, "I think it's important for you to know that I don't give a damn about what other people say. I make my own judgments, and based on the way you are with my dad, I'm a fan of yours."

I stared at her, I wasn't expecting her say anything like that. "Th-thank you Mrs. Walker." I mumbled. She shook her head at me, "No, none of that, call me Judy. By the way, can I have one of those?" She gestured to my cigarette pack.

I stood up and walked over to her, handing her a smoke and my lighter. She took it and lit up like a pro. After a long drag, she exhaled slowly, "Oh yeah, I've missed these. Don't tell Seth or Chris, they both made me quit years ago. However, every now and then I still love to sneak one."

I chuckled, "I can be your hook up. Though, Seth has asked me to quit too." She smiled and took another drag, "Are you going to?" I shrugged, "I haven't decided yet, but I probably should. It isn't good for me."

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