Chapter 7

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After we ate our supper, Seth and I stayed out around the fire pit and drank beer. It wasn't cold per say, as it was late April, but I was a bit cooler then would have been comfortable. Seth went inside to grab a jacket and he brought me out a wool blanket. I curled up in it in the lawn chair. I sipped my beer and watched the fire crackle.

"Hey baby, can I ask you a question?" he asked.

I raised my eyes to meet his, "Sure." I wasn't sure where this was going, but I figured I'd take a chance.

Seth took a deep breath, he looked a bit nervous, it made me smile, "When we talked about sex before, you said you never got off with me. We've tried different positions but none of them made a difference for you. I want to know what you like in bed."

I took a long swig of my beer before I answered, "I shouldn't have been so rude about it. That wasn't fair."

"No, don't sugar coat it, Margot. I know you meant it. I want to make you feel good, so I need you to tell me what you like so I can make that happen." He told me, raising his hand to stop my kind words.

I shrugged, "Alright, sure. If it makes you feel any better, it's not just you. I have never had an orgasm with anyone but myself. I guess I'm just hard to get off. Don't take it personal."

Seth sighed, "I'm not taking it personal. I want to take the time with you, so tell me, what do you like? What gets you off?"

I started to peel the label on my beer, I wasn't sure I should answer him. It wasn't that I was uncomfortable with my sexuality. I knew what I liked, I knew how I liked to be touched but I'd never had a guy ask me outright what I liked before. Seth stared at me, waiting patiently for me to give him an answer. Whatever, if he didn't like it that was his problem, I figured.

"Alright, Romeo, I like oral. It's the only way I've found I really get any real stimulation. That whole G-spot thing doesn't work on me; I've even tired myself. So, yeah, that's what I like." I told him.

Seth nodded, "Alright."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I can do that." He told me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah for about two minutes. All guys do it for about that long. Then they get too grossed out and just shove their fingers or dick in."

He shook his head, "No, I mean I can do that until you want me to stop. I haven't done it before but I'm willing to try it."

"It tastes like fish and sour milk." I said coldly. At least, that is what other guys had told me. I'd been told I was slimy, gross, smelly, you name it. The only guy who'd never complained about giving oral sex I'd been with was Calvin, but he only did it long enough for me to get wet enough to stick in to me easily. It was more for himself then for me.

"I doubt that, Margot." He muttered as he took another sip of his beer, "Besides, you've gone down on me when I'm sure I smelled pretty nasty without complaining."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, because girls are expected to give head. If we don't, it's like there I something wrong with us. If we don't want to fuck you, then we better be willing to blow you."

Seth looked at me with shock, "Where do you get this shit? I don't care if you give me head or not."

"Yeah right! That's such bullshit. If I didn't go down on you for a week, you would be crying like a little baby." I teased.

"Alright, baby, I'll take that bet. I won't ask you for a blowjob for a week. If I do, then you never have to quit smoking. You can even smoke in my vehicles and my house. If I don't ask and I win, then you need to actually try and quit smoking, seriously." He suggested, extending his hand to me.

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