Chapter 13

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By the time I got home it was almost 5:30pm. I was glad I had bought the express lasagna noodles, which would take less time. I had the dish ready by 6:15pm, I was annoyed I was still going to be late. I sent Seth a text to let him know. He replied in a classic relaxed fashion, 'No worries baby, whenever you get here.'

I changed into a cute brown flowy skirt and flower print top. I wore my brown saddle shoes and let my hair down. I put on lip gloss and rushed out the door. As I pulled out of the driveway I saw Calvin was pulling up to my curb, he gave me a 'what the hell' gesture. I pulled up next to his truck and rolled my passenger window down, "What are you doing here?"

He frowned at me, "I thought I would surprise you. I brought some ice cream. When will you be back?"

I shook my head, "I won't be back tonight. And I didn't invite you over, so don't just show up. I told you, we were done. You aren't invited around anymore. Go home Calvin."

I stepped on the gas and sped off, as I ran the window up I heard him curse out his window but I wasn't going to wait around for him. I drove down my street and turned towards the highway. As I drove towards Seth's farm, I realized Calvin's truck was behind me. I wasn't scared per say, but I was annoyed he was following me. He needed to learn how to take no for an answer. When I turned down the gravel road to the Walker's he followed me. I picked up the pace, which wasn't a good idea in my little Kia, it fishtailed all over the road, I hated that car so much. I pulled into the yard and parked up next to Seth's truck. Calvin had the audacity to follow me right in to the yard.

I texted Seth, 'I've got a stalker outside' before I got out of my car. I was pissed right off, how dare Calvin follow me all the way out here. Seth rushed outside of the trailer to my side before I could cross the distance between myself and Calvin.

Calvin got out of his truck and looked at Seth, then me, he had a bouquet of flowers in his hands, which he threw into the cab of his truck, "What the hell is this?!"

Seth stood in front of me, "Cal, what are you doing out here? Beer night isn't till tomorrow." He was so calm and cool. I waited to see what Calvin would say to him.

"Are you fucking him too?" Calvin shouted at me. I crossed my arms over my chest, "I am not fucking you, I WAS fucking you. I'm not anymore. I already told you this."

He glared at me, "So what is this then? Tell me!?" I took Seth's hand in my shyly, "He's my boyfriend." My voice came out small, I cleared my throat and repeated myself louder.

Calvin took off his ball cap and threw it in the cab of his truck, he walked around in a circle and ran his hand through his hair, "Girls like you aren't girlfriend material, Margot." I didn't expect that to sting but it was like a slap to the face.

Seth took a step toward him, "Cal, I think you better leave right now. I'm not going to stand you talking to my girl like that."

He glared at Seth, "Your 'girl'? Do you want to know how many times I've fucked your 'girl' man?" Calvin held a sinister grin.

Seth shook his head, "I don't care about that. I'm not angel either you know. She's got a history and so do I, but we are together now. You need to go."

"Fuck this shit, man. You can have that loose bitch. Everyone's had a ride anyway, you may as well take one too." Calvin hissed. He climbed back into his truck and spun his tired out on the gravel out of the driveway. I was relieved he was gone; my heart was pounding.

Seth wrapped me up in his arms, "You ok baby?" I nodded. He kissed my forehead and walked me back to my car. He carried in my overnight bag and I brought in the lasagna. I preheated the oven and washed my hands. He took my bag to his room. I noticed he had picked up some dollar store candles and had them lit on the kitchen table. What a cheesy gesture.

The oven beeped and I put the lasagna in for 45 minutes. When I turned around Seth caught me in his arms and kissed my mouth hungrily. He reached around my hips to behind my back and pulled me close to him. He tasted like toothpaste and beer, an oddly delicious combination to me.

I broke the kiss for a moment to whisper, "I'm sorry my baggage followed me out here." He shook his head against my cheek, "It's alright baby. I'm not mad." He kissed me again. I let him distract me from the unpleasant confrontation with Calvin for a little while.

"Does it bother you that I've been with so many men?" I asked. I immediately regretted it, I didn't really want to know the answer to that question. I wanted to take it back as soon as the words left my mouth. How could it not bother him, he was a man. I'd been around the block a few times, not as much as some people thought but still a few times.

Seth guided me to his couch and pulled me down into his lap, "Not really. What bothers me is when people talk shit about you like what Cal just did. He just can't deal with the fact that he can't have you like he used to. That's why I asked you to be my girlfriend, because I didn't want to share you anymore with anyone else. If he had enough brains, he would have done the same a long time ago."

I cocked my head at him, "So, you don't care?" He shook his head, "I mean, I know what people say, it's a small town. It annoys me, but it doesn't make me think less of you or anything. It's a small town, so people love to talk right?" I chuckled and nodded. Yes, they did like to talk.

"I don't think Calvin wanted me to be his girlfriend." I told him. Seth narrowed his eyes at me, "I don't think he understood what he really wanted from you until he couldn't have it anymore. If it was just sex, then he would have just moved on to a different girl. But like an idiot, he didn't figure it out until was too late and then acted like that."

"So how long have you had feelings for me?" I asked. He looked down at his lap for a moment before me met my eyes again, "About a month after we started hooking up. I thought you were so funny, I wanted to do more then just have sex. I knew you were seeing other guys, so I didn't push it at first. I figured you wouldn't want a relationship."

I nodded, at the time I didn't think I wanted one either. I was still a bit uncomfortable with the labels of a relationship but I did like whatever we were doing. Seth continued, "I realized after a while, I wanted you all to myself. I wanted more then just sex, I wanted to hang out with you and get to know everything about you. So, I asked you. And you said yes."

I smiled at him, "That's a pretty big chance. I could have said no." He nodded, "You could have, I wasn't sure you wouldn't. But I knew I would have been a lot more upset if I never asked. I had to take a chance, you are worth it."

I was worthy, I'd never been told I was worth anything really. I had been told I was alright, ok, good enough but never anything like that. Seth saw me as someone who was worth more. I was in awe of that, I let it sink in for a moment. Words didn't come to me so I just pulled the collar of his plaid shirt and kissed him softly. He brought his hand up and cupped my cheek, returning my kiss. I melted into his chest and let myself go. It felt good, it felt right, it felt safe.  

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