Chapter 6

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About an hour after Seth left, I got a text from him, he sent me a pie emoji and a yummy eating face with a stupid heart. I didn't respond and I tried not to smile but it wasn't working. I must have fallen asleep because I was rudely woken up a few hours later. Someone was knocking on my bedroom window, just above my bed. My sleepy mind recognized Matt without seeing him. Matt was the second local guy I had been sleeping with. I moaned angrily as I rolled out of bed and pulled up my blinds. He smiled and waved at me, he held up a micky of rum for me to see. I rolled my eyes and gestured for him to go to the door.

When I opened it, Matt stared down at me. His blonde hair hung over his green eyes. He tried to shove it out of his eyes, "Hey Margo, I thought I would drop by for a night cap." He pushed himself past me into my living room.

I looked at the clock on my phone, "It's past 2am, Matt. I'm not in the mood for a night cap. Go home and sleep it off."

Matt turned around and frowned at me, "Alright, I'm not here for a night cap. Let's just head to your bedroom and have a little fun."

I gaged slightly, "No thanks. I'm not interested in that anymore. Just get out."

"What do you mean? No thanks? As if, Margot. Come on." He turned around and walked past the kitchen into my bedroom. I could tell he was very drunk, he probably had whiskey dick anyway. It wasn't the first time Matt showed up at my house very late at night for a booty call. I groaned, I had to get more sleep for work the next morning. I waited for a few minutes, to see if he was going to call me to bed with him. Instead I heard snoring.

When I went to my bedroom door Matt had passed out face down on my mattress, his body taking up the entire bed. He still had his dirty fucking cowboy boots on! I growled and pulled his boots off, moved my trash can next to the bed and closed the door behind myself. I was pissed I was demoted to my couch in my own house by some former fuck buddy but he was in condition to drive. I locked my front door and covered up with a quilt on the couch. As I fell asleep I wondered if this was the kind of incident boyfriends and girlfriends had to tell each other about. Was I supposed to tell Seth about this tomorrow even though nothing happened? I wondered.

My alarm woke me up at 7am, again just as rude as ever. I rolled over and fell off my couch. When I sat up, a little scared, I took a breath when I remembered I had to sleep on the couch because of fucking Matt. The asshole took my bed, he showed up drunk and passed out. I pulled my sore body off the floor and walked to my bedroom. Matt was still sound asleep on my bed in all his clothes. I slammed my hand on the door repeatedly to wake him up.

"Hey asshole, wake the fuck up and get out of my house!" I shouted at him. Matt jerked awake and fell back over, groaning. Hangovers suck.

He didn't open his eyes, he just whined, "Margot! You scared me. Fuck!"

"I don't care," I said honestly, "get up, I have to get ready for work. You need to go home."

I didn't have the time to take a shower so I just pulled clean scrubs out of the dryer and pulled them on in the hallway. Matt came out of my room slowly, he was rubbing his face, he looked really rough.

I made coffee and had a protein bar. I wanted a cigarette but I decided to wait until he left. Matt shuffled to my kitchen table and sat down. I glared at him, "Why are you sitting down? Go home."

"I can't fucking go home, ok. My mom locked me out last night because I was out late and I had borrowed her car. Can I just have a cup of coffee before I have to go home and hear the screaming banshee I'm going to have to listen to all day?" he told me.

I sighed and poured him a cup of black coffee. I sat down with him and decided maybe having a smoke together wasn't such a bad thing, considering I had met his banshee mother. He might need it.

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