Chapter 16

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Dana carried the two 24 packs of beer cans out to my trunk for me from the liquor store. Then we went to the grocery store. She pushed the cart around while we both selected snacks for the evening.

"Do you want to come and be my friend at this thing tonight? It's just a quonset party but we'll have free beer. I'm sure your brother will be there." I asked.

She beamed at me, "Yeah, that would be great. What time?" I thought about it for a minute, "I think 9pm." She nodded.

After Dana helped me load everything into my little car I drove off toward Seth's place. Driving was awkward but doable. I was starting to think I might just stay at his place all weekend after all, just to avoid driving anywhere. The doctor had put me off work for two weeks because so much of my job was lifting and moving. I couldn't do a lot of cooking one-handed. I thought about how I had to still call Marc to let him know. He was going to be annoyed because he'd have to pull someone from the night shift crew and he hated them.

When I pulled into the yard Seth was sitting out at the fire pit with Rex having a beer. I parked my car and got out with some difficulty. As I walked toward him, his face went from smiling to frowning. He rose from his chair and jogged over to me, when we met me wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Oh god baby, what happened to you?"

"Let's unload the car and we can talk inside." I suggested.

He shook his head, "No, you are not carrying any of those heavy bags, just your overnight bag. I'll bring them in." I nodded and smiled, always the gentleman. I grabbed my bag from the backseat and took it into the trailer. Seth had the car unloaded in a few minutes. I started putting the groceries away into the fridge and he helped put the canned and bagged foods away in the cupboards. When we were finished Seth took my good hand and lead me to the coach.

"Alright baby, tell me what happened. You seem really cagy about it." He said, staring at me.

I didn't meet his eyes, "I didn't want to tell you over the phone because I was sure you would get really mad. So, here's what happened..." I told him the whole story. By the end he was furious, just as I had feared.

"What an ignorant fuck!" Seth shouted. I closed my eyes and prepared for the rage, he continued, "Who does he think he is? You don't belong to him; you don't belong to anyone! You belong to yourself and you don't owe him a god damn thing."

I was surprised that he was saying, almost word for word the same things I had told Calvin. I met Seth's eyes and smiled, "I don't think he meant to hurt me."

He shook his head, "That doesn't matter. No means no. If he's not man enough to accept a little rejection, then that's his fucking problem." I moved my body awkwardly onto Seth's lap so I was straddling his legs. He helped me get into position. I leaned into his chest and kissed him over and over again. His hands rested on my hips softly.

I smiled against his lips, "Don't worry sweetie, I don't think he'll be bothering me again. I think he's probably done."

Seth grunted against my lips, "He better be, because if he bothers my baby again, I'm going to go caveman on his face." I let out a giggle. My stomach erupted into a loud gurgling noise, then I realized I hadn't had lunch.

"I guess I forgot to eat today. My bad." I muttered. Seth smiled, "I made an extra ham and cheese sandwich for you, it's in the fridge. When you told me what happened to your wrist I was pretty sure you forgot to eat."

I nibbled on his bottom lip, "You are so cheesy, Romeo." He rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah, I know. Get off me woman, and feed that beast within. I'm going to run the beer to the fridges. I'll be right back."

I shimmied off his lap and went to the fridge where I found my sandwich. I ate it quickly, put my plate in the sink and went to the bathroom to take some pain killers. I called Marc to let him know about what happened. He was furious that I hadn't phoned the police but said it was fine. I knew the hospital had a record of my visit so he would be sent that on Monday. I could tell what he was really mad about was having to ask Unis for help, he hated doing that.

I lay down on Seth's bed and rested my eyes. Even his guest pillow smelled like him, a mix of dust, Head & Shoulders shampoo and Irish Spring soap. I was beginning to love that smell, not just like, love. That smell meant safety, trust and warmth. I knew Seth wouldn't go off half cocked, looking for a fight with Calvin. He would stand his ground of course, but he wasn't the kind of guy to chase a conflict. I let myself rest in his bed with my eyes closed for a minute. Seth came in after a while and snuggled up behind me, "I'm going to head out and help my dad move some seed. I'll be back before supper time, baby."

I purred like a kitten, "Alright. I'll heat up lasagna left overs when you come in." He kissed my cheek and nodded. I could feel his stubble brush against my face. He left me to myself that afternoon, which I needed because I was so sore. I ended up sleeping the afternoon away until almost 5pm. I was only woken up because my phone went off with a text message. I checked it, it was from Lesley, 'I deserved that, and worse. I just want a chance to make things right with you, Margie. Please.' I tossed the phone down on the bed and sighed, she wasn't going to quit was she?

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