Chapter 27

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Seth brought out his Bluetooth speaker outside and put it next to the BBQ. He put a country playlist on from his phone and lit up the grill. As Luke Combs started to play he smiled wide, "Oh yes, this is my jam!"

I couldn't help it, I laughed out loud at him. Seth started dancing around in front of the grill, moving his hips in the most awkward way possible. I had to pause what I was doing to lead against his truck and hold my sides as my laughter took hold of me. He ignored my obvious criticism and continued to dance around in the dirt. He moved over to me and pulled me into his arms, swaying me around terribly to the beat. It was like watching a giant twelve-year old at a school dance. Just terrible, but so much fun. I let go and started dancing badly right along with him. I shimmied my shoulders and gave Seth the duck lips as I tossed my hair around. He smiled widely at me and put his dirty old ball cap on my head. He let his hands move down to cup my cheeks. I kissed him softly as the song changed.

"I'm going to get the ice for the coolers." I told him as I broke the kiss. He nodded and pecked my nose one last time before I went back into the trailer. Seth had brought the beer over from the quanzet but there was no ice in the cooler so I had to get the bags out of the deep freeze in the second bedroom. It was the first time I'd actually set foot in the room. It was completely empty except for a large chest freezer. I thought it was odd, but then again my man was a bachelor. I dug out the ice and returned outside to fill the cooler. Derrick and Julie had just pulled up when I got back outside. When she made eye contact with me from the cab of his truck her face fell. I sucked in a deep breath and forced a smile.

Derrick jumped out of his truck and produced a bottle of Lucky Bastard Vodka, he handed it to me, "A thank you to you both for hosting us." I smiled, "Thanks. That's thoughtful."

Julie got out of the truck slowly and followed her boyfriend, dragging her feet. When she was next to him she just glared at me. I forced a smile, "Nice to see you, Julie." She nodded but didn't say anything.

"We've got beer over there in the cooler, but it's not cold just yet. I've got some cold ones in the fridge if you want." I offered. Derrick smiled, "Thanks Margot, baby, will you get me one too?" He patted Julie's butt and gestured for her to follow me into the trailer. Derrick left Julie's side and went over to Seth. I turned around and went back inside, she followed me. I set the vodka down on the counter and pulled four bottles of Kokanee out of the fridge. As I handed two to Julie she bit out, "Thanks." She turned around quickly and ran out the door. I rolled my eyes and followed behind.

I walked up to Seth's side and handed him an open beer, he kissed my cheek and smiled, "Thanks baby. Derrick and I were just talking about seeding. He's not quite done yet. We just finished this afternoon, I was hoping we wouldn't have to go again tomorrow. We've had good weather for it."

Derrick smiled at us, "Yeah, we should finish by Sunday. Not too much left to do, just a little bit of flax." I nodded like I knew what he was talking about when in reality I was still pretty clueless. Julie sighed dramatically and put her fist on her hip, "So who else is coming out tonight?"

Seth glanced at her then back to Derrick, "You two, Danny, Dana, Simon, Calvin apparently and then us." Her eyes went wide, "No other girls? Really?" I smirked at her, "Dana and I are girls." She glared at me and crossed her arms over her chest, "But I'm not friends with either of you. There are no girls that I hang out with coming. Derrick, this is going to suck!"

Derrick glared at her, "Baby, that's so rude! They are making us steak for god sake. Just chill out, Margot and Dana are nice." Julie pursed her lips and stared him down, "Whatever. I want to go home! Take be home then you can come back out here after." He stared at her, mouth open, shocked.

I glanced at Seth, "If you want, Julie, I can drive you home. Derrick has already had a drink so he shouldn't drive. I haven't had anything yet so I can drive you home if you want to leave." Her eyes shot to mine, she was fuming.

"I don't want to be seen in a car with you, weirdo!" Julie shouted at me. I blinked twice, a bit taken aback by her violent tone. Seth pulled me closer to his side, "Julie, you are so out of line right now. Back off, you don't get to talk to her like that."

Derrick sat down in one of the lawn chairs, "What's your problem? Why are you such a bitch to Margot? I don't get it? Do you two have bad blood or something?"

I chuckled and shook my head, "You didn't go to our school, Derrick. I was the weirdo girl with the crazy mother. Apparently I'm still a weirdo, sorry about that." Derrick stared at me and laughed out loud.

"Julie, are you seriously that much of a snob? Come on, we are all adults. Get over yourself." He told her. Seth kissed my cheek and turned to Julie, "It's your choice, Julie. Stay and be polite or leave and don't come back until you can be."

She crossed her arms and glared at Derrick, "Are you seriously going to make me call Alison again for a ride?" Derrick held up his hands, "I'm not making you do a damn thing, this is all your drama."

Julie took her cell phone out of her back pocket and walked away behind the trucks. I scoffed when she was out of ear shot, "Whatever, I'm going to get the garlic bread ready. Dana will be out soon to give me a hand." Seth pulled me back when I tried to walk away and kissed me, "Don't let that stuck up bitch get to you baby. She's not worth it." I nodded but retreated to the trailer as quickly as I could. I didn't like the way her comment had made me feel.

As I buttered up the bread I saw Danny's truck pull in, and Dana jumped out of the passenger seat. I smiled wide and went outside to meet them. Dana came over to me, I took her hand and lead her into the trailer, I asked, "You came with Danny?"

She nodded, "Yeah, he got my number from Simon and called me up. He asked me to come with him tonight. He told me he has a surprise for me later, after we eat. I don't know what he's up to." I beamed at her, "You are on a date!"

Dana's face fell, she looked at me shocked, "No, this isn't a date. Is it?" I nodded, "Yep, a guy calls you up and asks you to go somewhere with him that's a date." She blushed and looked down at her feet, "I'm not dressed for a date. I didn't even put on make-up."

I smiled at her, "I don't think Danny minds. Here, take two beers and bring him one. Go on, I've got this!" She bit her lip, obviously nervous. I nudged her shoulder and forced the bottled into her arms, "Go on, get yourself a plow-boy." As she moved toward the trailer door her eyes went really big. I waved her away and hurried up to finish the garlic bread. I put it in the oven to bake and brought out the kabobs outside to Seth.

Simon had just pulled up, the only person missing was Calvin. I wasn't sure he would actually show up, though my brain told me I wouldn't be that lucky. As Simon stepped out of his truck I saw Alison's car pull into the yard. Julie ran toward the car and jumped into the passenger side. Alison didn't look at any of us, she just did a U-turn and pulled out of the yard. At least I wouldn't have to deal with Julie all night. That was a plus.

Don't Test MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora