Chapter 30

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Chris and Judy were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and reading their respective books. They were both fully dressed. I hadn't realized they were both readers. They both looked up when we walked in and smiled wide at us.

"Hey, Margot, welcome! Come on in, have some coffee with us." Chris said, gesturing to the empty seats around the table.

Judy closed her book, "Would you two like some breakfast? I can make you something."

Seth shook his head, "No, Margot made bacon and eggs for all our hung over friends this morning already. She's a saint."

I rolled my eyes, "Well, if I wanted to get rid of them, I had to feed them first." Chris and Judy laughed out loud. As we sat down at the table Judy reached out and squeezed my shoulder, "That's my girl. You show them who's boss."

Seth chuckled, "Yeah, yeah. Thanks for your support mom." His parents just smiled at him. We chatted with the Walker's about their night out with the Wilson's. We discussed how seeding had gone and Chris told Seth they needed to plan for spraying in a couple of weeks. I enjoyed Chris and Judy, they were wonderful people. We discussed me going back to work and how I was planning to stay out on the farm for a while.

"Would you both like to come to Sunday supper? I'm going to get grandpa and bring him out for the night." Judy asked.

I nodded enthusiastically, "I can't speak for Seth, but I'll be there. I can't wait to see Charlie." Seth stared at me and smiled, "You are a fan of my grandpa huh?"

I nodded, "He is one of my favorites. Charlie is quite a charmer, you might have some competition, Romeo." He looked at me with mock hurt, "Well, where do you think I learned how to be such a charmer? Grandpa is the master."

We all laughed out loud. I sipped my coffee and smiled at Seth, he made me so happy. I hadn't considered I could ever be so happy, yet there I was, in the same town that had made me miserable for so many years. I had hated that place, everyone who lived there. I had embraced my own angst and misery for a long time, built up my walls so high I figured no one would ever try to break them down.

Now there I was, my walls completely pulled down. I was sitting in my boyfriend's parent's kitchen having morning coffee. I belonged there with them. I had never felt so warm and comfortable. It had finally happened, I was happy and it was all because of him. He hadn't made me who I was, but he had shown me I could be more then miserable. I could be happy, safe, content and loved.

"Come on baby, let's head back to home. I'll take you around in the quad today, maybe we can get into some mud." Seth suggested. I laughed and nodded. We rose up from the table. He took my hand and we left the farm house and started to cross the yard to the trailer.

I took Seth's hand as we walked. I squeezed it tightly. He looked at me, "Hey you." I smiled, "I love you, Seth Walker. I love you completely." We paused in the middle of the yard. He looked into my eyes and smiled. Seth pulled me close to his chest and wrapped his arms around my hips, "I know you do baby. I have wanted you to for a long time. I love you the same. Always."

I intertwined my fingers behind his neck and pulled his lips to mine. I kissed Seth sweetly and softly, showing him how much I loved him. He returned my kiss and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I tasted him too and savored his flavor. We continued to kiss in the middle of the yard for a while until we heard the screen door on the trailer slam and yelling accompany it.

As we broke apart we saw Derrick walking away from Julie with his hands in the air, "I'm done, Julie. There is nothing else to say, so just go back home."

She was right on his heels, trying to get a grip on his shirt, "Derrick, please. Don't do this. I know you love me, let's put this behind us."

Derrick shook his head, he turned to face her, "You treat my friends like crap when it suits you, Julie. You disrespect people. You expect me to change for you but you won't even be civil to people. I don't want to deal with that anymore.

Julie stared at him, her bottom lip was quivering, "I'm in love with you, Derrick. I know I make you happy, let me show you." She reached out to touch his face but he stepped back, "No, I told you. I'm done, Julie. I want a woman who doesn't define herself based on high school bullshit. I want someone who is actually nice, not just to get what she wants."

Seth pulled me closer to his body, he wrapped his arms around my front as we watched the scene in front of us. He whispered in my ear, "She's going to go postal in a minute." I shushed him and shook my head.

"Don't do this Derrick, please." Julie was begging him. She held on to the front of his shirt tightly. Derrick looked down at her and shook his head, "I'm sorry Julie, but this isn't going to work. I'm done." He pulled away from her and climbed into the cab of his truck. Derrick started the engine and pulled out of the yard. Julie stared after him, tears were streaming down her face. She brought up her hands to cover her face.

I broke away from Seth and crossed the yard to her side. I reached out and touched Julie's shoulder, "Do you want to go back inside and calm down for a bit?" She nodded. I lead her back into the trailer and poured her a glass of water. Seth followed shortly after, he set the tissue box on the table with us and turned on his Xbox. Julie and I sat at the kitchen table together. She drank her water and poured out her sorrows to me. I didn't really have to say anything, she just cried her heart out over Derrick.

I refilled Julie's water and sat back down at the table. Julie had collected a large pile of tissues in in front of herself on the table. As she wiped her red eyes, she whispered, "I didn't think he really meant it. I thought I could change his mind." I patted her shoulder in a comforting manner, but didn't say anything. I didn't have much to offer for words in this situation, she didn't need me to kick her when she was down.

"Look, I know I wasn't nice to you in high school. No one was really. It's not like I was the only one." She said. I withdrew my hand from her shoulder and stared at her, "Do you think that's all this is about?" Julie shook her head, "No of course not. I know I was a pain in the ass, but like I said, it's just always worked for me before so I thought it would work with Derrick."

Julie took a deep breath, "What I meant was it wasn't just me that was mean to you. Lots of us were. I'm sorry about that, ok." I narrowed my eyes at her, "Are you apologizing because you think Derrick will take you back if you do?"

She shook her head, "No, I'm pretty sure he won't take me back now. I just think I owe you an apology. I didn't need to be a bitch to you then, and I don't need to be a bitch to you now." I nodded, "Ok, thank you, Julie. I appreciate that."

I looked over at Seth, he wasn't paying attention, he was just sitting on the couch playing Halo. I smirked, he was such a dork sometimes. Julie sighed before she stood up from the table, "I should go home and pack up his stuff that's at my place I guess. I'll put on some break-up music and pour some wine. I'm pretty sure Miranda Lambert has a few songs for occasions like these."

I chuckled and nodded, "Very true." As Julie walked toward the door she paused for a moment, "Thanks for listening today, it was nice of you and you didn't have to. So, thanks again." I smiled but didn't say anything as Julie slipped out the door. I cleaned up her mess on the kitchen table and joined Seth on the couch. He continued to play his game but he said to me, "You are a really good person, baby. Careful, your hard ass reputation is fading."

I ran my hand down his stomach into his pants and past his underwear. I took his flaccid cock in my hand and stroked it softly. Seth sucked in a breath and paused his game. As he became hard, he reached over and captured my lips in a hard kiss. I continued to stroke him until he was panting, he whispered, "Baby, you drive me crazy."

"I know, it's my job." I whispered as I nibbled on his earlobe. Seth shifted us around swiftly so he was on top of me on the couch. He ran his hands up my chest and tangled them in my hair, "Here or bedroom?"

I breathlessly whispered, "Right here, right now, Romeo." He chuckled as he shed his clothes. After he was naked he helped me slip out of mine. Needless to say, we both needed a shower after our couch session.

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