Chapter 28: "Guys, Sunshine's gone"

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The Next Morning.....
I wake up with no sunlight in my eyes which surprises me, so I open them instantly. Wait a second, why am I curled up on-Sin?

I place my hand on his chest as I look up at him sleeping peacefully next to me. How did he get in here? Haha, 5 letters. F. A. I. T. H.

I move my legs a little to stretch them, and see Sin start to open his eyes. He closes his eyes back before kissing me on the lips, "Sorry for coming here so late."

I chuckle, "It was either you or me. But I surprisingly fell asleep." Sin chuckles.

Sin brushes the hair off of my face and moves closer to me. I smile.

Crap, I just realized something. I go back to school tomorrow.

The Next Day....
"You do realize that Meg is just a naturally stubborn person and you shouldn't get on her bad side. Right?" Faith says to Jake.

"Well sorry, you girls are stubborn as my grandmother baking cookies." We look at Jake funny. I did not get that at all but oki doki. This is going to be a long next few weeks...

1 Week Later.....
I look out of the window and let out a happy gasp. Oh my god! I run into the living room to look out the big windows.

"Its snowing!" I hear Faith yell from behind me. I turn around smiling and see Faith join me next to the window.

Knock knock knock!

Faith furrows her eyebrows before turning around and heading towards the door. She opens it and we see Sin and Alex standing there, "Hey girls. Have yall looked outside?" Alex asks

Faith chuckles, "Yeah! It's amazing! We've never seen snow!" Alex and Sin come in and I instantly make eye contact with Sin.

I smile before walking over to Sin. He pulls me into a hug and I smell his intoxicating cologne that I love so much. Sin kisses me on the top of the head before walking with me over to the window, "We're supposed to get about 5 inches." Sin informs. Woah. I lean my head against Sins shoulder as I look out the window.

I have tecnically seen snow before, in person, but it was when i was really little and still lived in Lousiana. So I don't really remeber it that much.

Faith has been packing her boxes all week, and so has Alex. They said that they will be moved into their house by January 13th and it's currently January 9th. I'm really exited for them, but then again... I'll be living all alone in the apartment now. Atleast I have Sin.

"We're gonna go out, do y'all want to come?" Faith asks, grabbing her now car-keys since she bought a car yesterday.

I open my mouth to talk but Sin interrupts, "Actually, I have something planned for Sunshine and I." What in the world is he talking about?

Faith laughs, "Ok, we'll see you guys later." Faith heads out the door with Alex. Sin smirks at me.

A Few Minutes Later...
Ahh ok, now I'm glad I didn't go with Faith and Alex.

As I sit in the bathtub with Sin, he runs his fingers through my wet hair. This bathtub is really big. Even though it's big, for whatever reason, Sin has me sitting on his lap basically, my head leaning back on his shoulder. I can't all. I love being this close to Sin.

Sin picks up some bubbles and puts them on my nose. I laugh before kissing Sin's neck. He chuckles and kisses the tip of my nose,"I love you."

"I love you..." I say, looking deep in his eyes. Sin chuckles.

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