Chapter 3: "Jocelyn Allen"

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I cough, realizing I was holding in my breath, "You're....that guy." "So you do know who I am."

   I cross my arms, "No."

   He laughs, "Right. See you around Sunshine. Try not to bump into anymore people. It's considered rude." He is rude. He walks off, leaving me at my door.

  I can't believe the guy my family's obsessed with lives right next door to me. And he seems to be a bit of a cocky idiot jerk-face.

  I walk off towards the elevator and hit the button. The elevator doors open and I hop inside. Let's call that cab.

The Next Day/ August 14th 2021
"What do you mean you ran into Sin Ainsley yesterday?" "I was leaving the apartment to go call a cab and I bumped into him. I didn't recognize him at first, but when he told me his name it rung a bell. And then he said 'right' and went all cocky idiot."

   Faith laughs, "So they're that new band Ohana. Nice." Right. 'Nice', "Well forget about the cocky rockstar. We need to figure out our outfits for our first day of college Monday." I nod my head, "Ok, I've figured mine out. What about you?"

    Hm...I could probably go with my blue and black skinny ripped jean's and black Guns N' Rose's shirt. Then my black ankle boots would go good with it.

    I point down to the outfit, "That's a good one. It's going to be a little chilly tomorrow, you got a matching jacket?" I turn around and open my closet doors. I should have a black leather jacket in here. Ah, there it is. I pull it out and lay it down on the bed.

    "That works." You can tell that mine and Faith's style is completely different. I wear a lot of blue, black, white, and yellow. While she wears a lot of pink, yellow, orange, white, red, and green. Pretty much the whole rainbow.

    I yawn tirdly. I'm a little nervous for tomorrow. Usually when you're a music major, they will ask you to play something for them. Of course I already have something ready but.....I wish my dad was there. This moment was supposed to be shared with him. But I know hes watching me. Atleast....I hope.

Was I too rude to her yesterday? Wait? Why the f*ck do i care? I never care what I say to people. Ugh, what's wrong with me? Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine. What is it about you that makes me feel this way? Think this way? Woah, i just had a song idea.

    I walk over to the other side of my room and grab my guitar. I find a tune and start to play, "Why cant I think when you're near me? Why cant I breath without you here...." I continue to play, "You don't know what you do to me. Every single time you're near." The lyrics just come to me naturally. Something that hasnt happend in a long time.

  How can one girl have this affect on me? "Why her? What makes her so special? How does she do this to me....." I need to write this down. Nice chorus Sin. And to think it was because of the shy girl next door. And there's a title.

On my way to the bathroom, I hear music coming from sins room. What is he singing?

   "Why cant I breath when I'm not with you..." is he....writing a song? That's new. "Why cant I breath when I'm not with you? Why cant I smell unless it's your perfume? Oh how can you do this to me? All, my, senses fade.....when, ever, your presence is near." He must have met a girl. I'll ask him about it later.

3 days later/ August 17th
"No, I said no public appearances until the launch!" God people really dont listen.

   "But sir, I've already booked you for the Aeroclub." "Well unbook it!" "I...I'll try." "Good. Now have a nice night." "You too sir." I roll my eyes. F*cking idiots.

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