Chapter 6: "Why didn't you kiss me?"

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Alex looks over at Jake, "Jake, Truth or dare?" "Truth." "Have you ever been caught having s*x?"

   Jake coughs,embarrassed, "Yes...." I giggle a little, "Ok, hmmm........Ollie. Truth or dare?" Jake asks.

    "Dare." "Do a Kiss, marry, or kill." This should be fun, "Hm....I'll kiss Sunshine. Marry Sin, and kill Sarah." I laugh and so does a few more people.

    Sin looks at Ollie funny, "Why marry me?" He asks weirded out.

    "I don't know. You seem like the marrying type." Sin rolls his eyes.

  Ollie laughs, "You question that but not me wanting to kiss Sunshine?"

    Sin smirks, "No, that's completely understandable." He says mischievously. I blush.

   "Ok....Sunshine. Truth or Dare?" Ughh, why me?

   "Dare." Why the heck did I say that? I'm going to regret this. "If you had to kiss one of the Ohana boys, who would it be?" Ohana? Oh....that's right. Crap....that answers too easy.

   I look over at Sin who is stareing at me intently, "Sin." I cough, realizing I just said that out loud. Sin laughs.

    Ollie looks confused, "Dang. I thought it was going to be me, but ok." Everyone laughs at Ollie. Ok, my turn. Let's see.....

   "Sarah. Truth or dare?" Sarah flicks her hair over her shoulder, "Dare, b*itches!" She must be drunk.

   "I dare you to get down on the floor and try to do the worm for thirty seconds." This should be interesting to watch.

  Sarah gasps, "Ok." She slips off her heels and lays down on the floor. She starts to wiggle like a worm and everyone laughs. 30 seconds later, she gets up and puts her shoes back on.

    "Ok.....Faith. Truth or Dare?" "Truth." "Do you want to kiss anyone in this room?" "Yeah...." Faith starts to blush. OoOoOoo.

    "Ok, my turn! Hm..... Sin! Truth or dare?" Faith better not do anything I think she would.

   Sin smiles mischievously, "Dare." How did I know he would pick dare, the daredevil.

   "I dare you to kiss Sunshine." No Faith! Why would you say that?! Sin let's out a breath and walks up to me. What...

    He stands infront of me. I want to kiss him but not because of a game. Sin places his hands on my hips lightly and pull me closer to him. He leans down and places a gentle kiss on my cheek. What?

   "Well...that works." Faith says.

    "Shawn. Truth or dare?" Sin asks, standing next to me. What just happend? Wait...who the heck is Shawn?

  "Truth." "Have you ever fantasized about anyone in this room?" "Yeah..." the Shawn guy says as he looks over at the Sarah girl. This games really dying down.

   "Sunshine. Truth or dare?" Me again? Ughhhh. I'm definitely not going with dare again.

   "Truth." "Glad you picked that. Is it true that your dad died because he was so sad that he had to leave his company for you and your mother?" H-how? What? How does he know about my dads company? And what does he mean dying like that? What?

  Sin crosses his arms and looks p*ssed at Shawn. "Come on. Answer up." No.....

   I feel my skin start to burn and tears roll down my cheeks. I need to get out of here. I race out of the frat house.

"What the f*ck is wrong with you!?" I say, throwing my hands in the air.

   "I was just asking a question." How the h*ll does he know her and her dad? Unless.....yes.....stop denying it. Shes Easton Baileys Daughter. Rockstar Bailey. My dads business partner and best friend.

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