Chapter 7: "Till its too late."

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"What now?" Sin left about 2 minutes ago, and now Faith is here. "Ek-hem."

   I open my eyes to see Faith standing at the edge of my bed, "Sooooo....I was standing around the corner." Of course.

    I grone, "Please dont ask." "Sorry but......why did he kiss you?!" Faith says a little too loud.

  "I dont know." " was it?" "He can definitely kiss I'll tell you that."

    I've only ever had one boyfriend. Besides Jacob. But he thought I was his girlfriend. And he never really got the chance to kiss me. My first and last boyfriend was Kanye Walker. He was a nice guy....until he wasnt. He started being really douchey. And I caught him cheating on me. With my friend at the time. She was never a really good friend so I wasnt upset that much over that. But I was pretty upset that he cheated. He was my first kiss. And last kiss since Sin. Thats the farthest we ever got was kissing. I'm still at the time, I think I secretly knew that Kanye wasnt the right person to give it to.

   Faith on the other hand....she gave hers to her first boyfriend. He was a bad boy. She thought he was a good bad boy until he got arrested for drug dealing. Let's just say that Faith doesnt have the best taste in guys. Exept Alex is an exception. So I hope he treats her right. I can see them getting married. Marriage? What the heck am I talking about?

   "Well I'll leave you to your slumber." After Faith left, I tried to get some sleep. But I couldnt stop thinking about Sin. Come on Sunshine, just go to sleep...

I walk back into the kitchen as I hear Alex and Ollie talking, "You like somebody? Actually? Who is it?" I hear Alex ask.

  "I think I like our neighbor. The Sunshine girl." Ollie says. He better not be f*cking serious.

   Alex laughs, "I'm not getting in the middle of you and Sin. No can do."

    Ollie laughs, "Wait. Sin likes Sunshine?" "Sin doesnt kiss and tell." "He kissed her?" "Not that I know of. But if he did he would probably keep it a secret."

   Ollie let's out a breath, "Ok, I'm going to get some sleep." I watch as Ollie turns down the hallway where is room is. So Ollie likes my Sunshine. Wait, did I just say My?

  "Sin? Why are you hiding in the corner?" Alex asks, confused.

  I cough awkwardly and walk over to Alex, "Uh....I dropped there. So I had to go get it." "Right." I sigh.

   "Hey....I need to tell you something." I say to Alex, "What is it?"

  I let out a long breath, "I kissed Sunshine."

  Alex coughs, almost choking. "You kissed her? When?"

  I rub my neck nervously, "Just a few minutes ago..."

   Alex laughs, "Dang Sin. You do like her."

   I roll my eyes, "No I dont." "Right. Keep telling yourself that." I turn back to the hallway to see Ollie standing there. Yeah, I beat you to it blondie.

   " kissed Sunshine?" Great, now the whole house knows.

    "What's with you and always popping up everywhere?" I ask.

    "I dont know. Just my speciality I guess." "You kissed Sunshine?" I hear, ANOTHER, person ask. Crap. I turn around to see Erik standing behind me smirking.

  "Great. Now everybody knows!" I roll my eyes, "I'm going to bed. I'll see you guys in the morning." I begin to walk off the my room, "And yes Ollie. Shes a good f*cking kisser so dont ask."

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