Chapter 13: "I want to ask Faith to be my girlfriend."

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When we made it back to the dance floor, Sin and I started dancing to the fast hype music they began to play. Alex and Faith are dancing right next to each other throwing their arms in the air and laughing.

I sway my hips to the music and Sin starts to watch me intently before he inches closer and puts his hands on my hips. Sin slowly pulls me to him. We start grinding on each other, making me laugh. Who would have thought I would be here, grinding with The Rockstar Next Door.

When I saw Sunshine start to sway her hips perfectly with the beat, I couldn't help but to put my hands on her hips and pull her into me. When I feel her skin jump at my touch, I get a feeling I only feel when I'm around her. It's nothing like how I felt with Jocelyn. This is real, sweet, meaningful. And that's when I realize....I have never been in love before. Because this...this is the closest thing I have felt to it.

Well, so much for a no PDA formal. They call it formal for a reason. But then again Sin and Sunshine did give everyone a show tonight. So it's not weird at all that Ollie is making out with 5 girls on a bench in front of everybody. Speaking of this being a formal, I should probably go donate before we leave.

"Hey Faith, I'm gonna go donate. I'll be right back." Faith nods and I walk towards the guy at the donation desk. "Hey, can I donate $3,000 to the.... children's hospital?" Which hospital am I donating to exactly?

After the formal, Sin and I got in his car and went home. He was pretty quiet the whole way home. I thought it was weird but decided not to say anything. He looked deep in thought. I hope it wasn't because of me. Tonight was amazing....minus seeing Jacob.

We park infront of the apartment building. Ok, I should probably say something...

"Hey...are you ok?" The worry in my voice is clear.

Sin let's out a breath, "Yeah, sorry. I'm fine."

Sunshine let's out a breath, "You're worried about the band aren't you?" This girl can read me like a book.

I let out a breath, "Yeah..." Also I'm a bit worried because I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you. But we're not going to get into that tonight...

Sunshine smiles, "You have nothing to worry about. I've heard you guys practice before. Y'all are great. I know everyone will love you."

I chuckle, "Thanks Sunshine." We get out of the car and meet Alex, Faith, and Ollie at the elevator.

Faith looks super tired and is using Alex's arm as a pillow. Ollie looks wide awake, and is doing something on his phone. What do guys do on their phones all the time anyways? You cant scroll through instagram for THAT long, right?

"Wheres Erik?" I ask, noticing his missing presence. "

I think he went home early. He said it didnt feel right to be there without Evangeline." I can't imagine what it must feel like to be away from someone you love. Wait...well, technically I can. But not in a marital type of way...

A Few Minutes Later....
"Tonight was really fun Sunshine." Sin says sweetly, leaning against the door frame in a sexy way.

"I had fun too. This was the best date I've ever been on." I watch as Sin blushes. I chuckle to myself. I had to do that.

Later That Night....
"You have fun tonight?" I ask Sin as I enter the kitchen. Sin is making himself a sandwich since he just got back from the gym. It's always his go-to thing when he gets back.

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