Chapter 5: "Dancing On My Own"

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Ok...somehow Faith convinced me to go to the concert. I've listened to Sins music before. Exept at the time I had no clue who he was. But now I do. And we're having back stage passes to his concert. I wonder what he'll be playing?

   I put on my black skinny ripped jean's with a chain on the side, my red t-shirt, black leather jacket, and just some normal black ankle boots. This is rock concert appropriate.

  I grab my purse and put my phone in it. I realize that I still have my new pack of guitar strings in my purse. Meh, I'll take them out when I get home.

At The Concert.....
"Welcoming to the stage! Sin Ainsley!" Ainsley Ainsley Ainsley. Remember that. I watch as Sin walks out on the stage. A few seconds later he catches my eye. He smiles at me and waves mockingly. What the- "Did Sin just wave at you?" "I-I think." I say. Faith laughs.

    "Do you think we should go backstage now?!" Faith yells over the music. I nod my head and we begin to walk to the backstage entrance. I'll do anything to get away from a giant crowd of people.

     Once we see the bouncer, we also see barbie trying to get past the bouncer. I kinda...feel bad for her. "Yes, you two are?" The bouncer asks us, looking down at his clipboard.

    "Faith Fiore and Sunshine Bailey." Faith tells the bouncer.

      "Right this way." The bouncer let's us by and directs us to the metal door in the back. All of a sudden my heartbeat picks up really quick.

   We open the door and instantly spot Alex, Ollie, and the other guy that I saw that day with the amazon guy. "Faith!" Alex says as he races up to us, "Hi Sunshine." I smile and wave.

   A few seconds later, we all hear a loud metal snapping noice come from the speakers on the stage, followed by the crowd gasping. That sound is firmilliar.

   All of a sudden, Sin races back stage with his guitar. I look down at it and see that the A string is broken off. Oh crap. "My string broke." He says, panting a bit. No wonder this man has a six pack. Hes running around the stage like a crazy person singing his heart out.

   Alex laughs, "Why are you always breaking your strings?" "Shut up." "Do you have any extras?" Alex asks Sin.

   Sin walks over to a bag laying on the couch and opens it. He starts digging through it trying to find some. Wait! I have some in my purse!

   Sin lifts up from the bag, "I must have left them at home." I reach in my bag and pull out the little box of strings. Ok, dont be nervous.

   I walk up to Sin and hold out the strings, "Will these work?" I ask shyly.

   Sin furrows his eyebrows then looks up at me, "Do you just have random guitar strings in your purse?"

   I laugh, "I forgot to take them out." "You play the-" "Ainsley! Get ready to be back in 2!" The guy from the light room yells. Sin takes the box then rubs his neck awkwardly, a sweet smile on his face, "Thankyou." I smile at him and nod my head before sitting down on the couch neer him.

   Sin sits down on the couch and carefully pulls off the broken string. Put of all the places to sit. Not that I all.

   He opens the string box and pulls out one and puts it on the guitar correctly. He then takes a tuner out of the bag next to him and puts it on the guitar so he can tune it.

   "Alright, I'll see yall in 10 when the show ends." Sin winks at me then runs back on stage. I am definitely blushing now.

  "You play the guitar?" The dark brown haird guy asks me, "Y-yeah." I say in a low voice.

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