The Studio

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"How you feeling about this?" Lindsey asked. He pulled into a parking place at the studio shutting off the car ignition.
"Good." Stevie smiled contently. "I'm excited."
Lindsey smiled at her placing his hand on her thigh giving it an encouraging squeeze.
"Good. If you need something, a break or- I don't know a snack- Water- Anything- Just tell me. I don't want to push you too hard Steph."
"Trust me, if you push me too hard you'll hear from me." Stevie said playfully.
Lindsey stepped out of the car walking around to the trunk to get his guitar. He and Lindsey walked into the studio hand in hand.


"Stevie. Nice to meet you." Stevie's small hand was completely engulfed by Mick's as she gave him a dainty handshake.
"Mick Fleetwood, it's a pleasure."
"I'm John McVie."
Stevie smiled now extending her hand to the brunette bearded man.
"Stevie Nicks." She said politely.
Lindsey stood back, a huge grin planted on his face. He couldn't describe it, but he could feel something big was about to happen.
"Actually you have met before... Well maybe not formally..." Lindsey said giving Stevie a smirk.
"1975 Battle of the Bands ringing any bells?!"
Mick and John looked at each other in disbelief.
"That was you?!" John asked.
"I know it's hard to believe, I don't look nearly as good as I did back then." Stevie said jokingly.
"No it's not that, it's just- You had- I mean have a beautiful voice. Everyone was enamored by you that night." Mick added.
Stevie blushed. A brief silence fell upon the room.
"Everyone ready?" Lindsey asked.


Being in the studio was a totally different experience for Stevie. Lindsey was, intense. It was clear that the guys meant business.
"Steph, I'm gonna have you do that again. Something about that line just seems... I don't know... A little off." Lindsey said from the mixing desk.
Stevie sighed. She wasn't going to lie, being in the studio was a lot more difficult than she expected. Singing and writing for her was an escape, an outlet, a form of expression, in this setting it just seemed forced. Lindsey glanced into the recording room, his eyes locking in on Stevie. Her eyes. He thought. They're not sparkling. From the first time Lindsey saw Stevie he could read her eyes. Her eyes gave him insight into her soul, how she was feeling, what she was thinking.
"Hey guys?" He turned to Mick and John. "Give us a few minutes?"
Mick and John nodded and stood up exiting out the back door for a smoke. Lindsey stopped the recording prompting Stevie to come out of the recording room.
"Where is everyone?" Stevie asked scanning the room.
"Out back." Lindsey said sliding off his headphones.
"Lindsey, can I be honest?"
"Of course."
"All of this- It's a little overwhelming."
Lindsey got up out of his mixing chair picking up his guitar and sitting on the couch while Stevie stood and watched.
"Come here." He said smiling.
Stevie sat down on the couch scooting next to him nestling her head on his shoulder. Lindsey positioned his hand on the fretboard and began to noddle around.
"How long have you been playing?" Stevie asked mesmerized at how effortlessly his hands wandered the guitar.
"Since I was eight." Lindsey smiled reminiscing on how excited he was to receive his first Mickey Mouse guitar on a chilly Christmas morning years ago.
"You're so talented Linds. I've always wanted to play guitar, Don was supposed to teach me." Stevie said, her last few words trailing off.
Lindsey stopped abruptly.
"Here." He said gently placing the guitar in her arms. He reached his arm around hers directing her where to place her hand on the fretboard.
"See where your fingers are? That's a D chord." Lindsey said. "Now take your other hand like this and use your thumb to strum downward."
Stevie smiled, the sound of the D chord was quite literally music in her ears. Lindsey spent another hour teaching Stevie guitar cords.
"See, you got it! You're a natural!" Lindsey said smiling proudly.
"Lindsey. Thank you." She beamed.
The sparkle is back. He smiled to himself.

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