I'm so Afraid

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"How're you feeling Buck?" Mick gave Lindsey a rough pat on the back. Startled, he turned around facing Mick.
"Oh, good. Good." Lindsey took a deep breath anxiously running his fingers through his hair. He was nervous as hell but he wasn't going to let anyone else know that. John stumbled between Lindsey and Mick placing an arm on both of their shoulders.
"How we feeling gents?" John asked, abruptly getting cut off.
"Hey Fleetwood?! You're on in 5!" A stage hand yelled.
Lindsey walked over and admired his brand new Stratocaster for a moment before picking it up and slinging it around his shoulder. He ran his hand along the body and up the fretboard. He felt a proud smile tug on his face. The trouble he went through for the $100 was most definitely worth it. Lindsey had quickly fallen head over heals in love with this guitar. By now it simply felt like another extension of his body.


Lindsey was the first to walk out on stage, hands jammed in his pockets, fiddling with the guitar strap slung around his shoulder. His nerves were really starting to get to him. This was by far the biggest gig they had ever played, and the stakes couldn't have been higher. Mick and John followed close behind. Lindsey made his way front center stage, stopping just before his mic. He diverted his eyes not wanting to catch a full glimpse of the crowd in an effort to keep his growing nerves at bay. Lindsey looked down letting his fingers find the tuning pegs on his guitar, fine tuning it one last time. His glance was almost immediately drawn on a breathtakingly beautiful young woman front row. She had long blonde hair that framed her face perfectly. Her eyes were big and deep brown, when the spot lights from the stage hit them just right they sparkled. For a small moment they made eye contact as she brushed her long blonde waves out of her face. Lindsey smiled softly and looked away quickly fearing he had been staring too long. There was a small scuffle over the intercom.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Fleetwood Mac!"
Without hesitation Lindsey began to count the band off, his hand running along the fretboard effortlessly. He lifted his head until his mouth was almost pressed into the microphone. He took a deep breath.
"I've been alone all the years so many ways to count the tears..."
Lindsey began to feel himself float away. Performing was always like an out of body experience for him. Once the music hit him it was like he operated on autopilot, all of his nerves and fears faded away. He didn't hold back, he never did, he played and sang with everything he had. For a few minutes while performing he felt at home, everything felt right. All of the sudden Lindsey was snapped back into reality. His eyes meeting the pretty blonde with brown eyes once again. Only this time her eyes were dulled and full of fear. A man was grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her toward back stage. Lindsey felt the rage building up, so much so that his fingers had slipped on the fretboard and he almost totally fucked up his guitar solo. Thankfully with quick thinking he was able to sever his solo guitar without giving anyone, especially the judges, the inclination that he totally had to improv the solo. As soon as the song ended he rushed back stage. His heart was racing, he was desperate to find her.

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