Thrown Down

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"And the winner of the 1975 Saloon Battle of the Bands is...."
Lindsey could feel his heart beating out of his chest, his palms were sweaty, he had a lump in the back of his throat. He tapped his foot anxiously waiting with John and Mick and a few other bands backstage. He looked over for a split second seeing the girl leaning against the back wall, her head and eyes down. Lindsey's eyes searched trying to find hers, hoping she would give him something, anything, but she didn't. Her stare was blank, her eyes glossed over as she continued to keep her stare on the ground.
"Linds holy shit?! Did you hear that?? Come on!!"
Lindsey felt a tug on his shirt, Mick physically pulled him out on stage by his collar. He looked around in disbelief as John stood on his left side, Mick on his right. For the first time he looked out into the crowd which was full of cheers and applause. The stage lights were almost blinding, he could feel a bead of sweat building around his forehead from the heat radiating off of them.
"Congratulations man, you guys fucking killed it." A rugged bearded man reached his hand out to Lindsey.
Lindsey hesitated for a second looking at the man's extended arm finally taking his hand in a firm grasp. Lindsey gave the man a polite smile before the man retracted his hand and moved over to congratulate Mick and John.


"Well gents? How about a night of celebrating? After all we are $1,500 richer." John laughed wrapping his arms around both Mick and Lindsey. Mick smiled.
"Well?" He asked nudging Lindsey.
"Yeah-I- Sorry I just need to go to the bathroom." Lindsey pushed past John and Mick disappearing into the dimly lit hallway eventually walking right into a confrontation.
"What did I fucking tell you, you bitch?! This is all your fucking fault!! If Glenn were here we would have won that money. Do you know how bad we needed that fucking money?!"
"Oh shut the fuck up, I did you a favor. You had no one Don, no one!! Glenn quit because you're such a dick!! The band is tired of putting up with your bullshit and so am I!!! I'm done with you Don!! Do you hear me, we're over!!!"
Lindsey stopped dead in his tracks, he could only make out two figures illuminated by the dim yellow light. One figure towered over the other. But he knew her voice, the minute she spoke he knew it was her.
"Now you fucking listen to me we're not over until I say we're over."
Lindsey took a deep breath ready to intervene, he heard a scuffle and broke in immediately.
"HEY! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Lindsey stepped in between the man and woman, for a moment he met eyes with her again. Even in the dark hallway he could see the sheer terror in her eyes. The man's hands were wrapped tightly around her neck. Lindsey cut in using his strength to lessen the grip around her neck allow her to slip out of his grasp.
"Who the fuck are you??" The man's tone was clearly agitated. As Lindsey got closer he could smell the alcohol on his breath.
Without giving it a second thought Lindsey tackled the man to the ground straddling him around his waist.
"You don't ever fucking lay your hands on her like that do you hear me??" Lindsey's voice was stern and gruff.
Lindsey looked over, another shadow appeared.
"Don? What the hell?!" A man with shaggy blonde hair rushed to his side. Lindsey slowly  stood up brushing off his jeans. Letting the unknown man, assumingely his band mate, tend to the man so called "Don".
"Hey? Are you okay??" He rushed over to the woman who had fallen against the wall. She didn't say a word to him.
"Come with me... please." Lindsey pleaded, extending his arm to help her off the floor.

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