Black Chiffon & a Tambourine

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"Hey, have you seen a girl? I-uh- she's short, has blonde hair, brown eyes, she was wearing..."
"Buck slow the fuck down what are you talking about?" Mick placed his hands on Lindsey's shoulders.
Lindsey took a deep breath, looking around the backstage frantically. There was no one else in sight except a few stagehands.
"A girl, I'm looking for a girl! Have you seen her?!" There was a sense of urgency in Lindsey voice as it grew in volume.
Mick looked at John who was standing next to him and then back to Lindsey with a blank stare.
"Fuck, never mind." Lindsey sighed, eyeballing the bright red 'EXIT' sign above the fire exit door. He rushed over to it, exposing himself to the hazy dusk light from outside. The streets were quiet, except for the subtle buzz coming from the lamp posts that lined the sidewalk.
Lindsey looked left and then right, and then left again. Nothing. No one. His heart was beating fast, he had to find her, he was worried she that she could really be in imminent danger. He stood outside for another moment before hanging his head and returning back inside.
"You okay?" John asked approaching Lindsey who had just shut the fire exit door behind him.
"Wha- Yeah. I'm fine." Lindsey said not even making eye contact with Mick.
"Holy shit, John, Lindsey you have to come look at this!" Mick's voice echoed from down the dark backstage hallway.
John walked toward Mick and Lindsey sighed following close behind. As they approached a woman's voice boomed over the speakers, Lindsey couldn't quite make out what she was singing but her voice was angelic. He met Mick and continued to follow her voice, walking closer to the stage wing.
"Who in the hell...??" Lindsey turned back toward Mick, however he wasn't able to even get the words out before he saw her there on stage. She had a tambourine in her hand and a black chiffon shawl draped over her shoulders. The way she danced about the stage was effortless, beautiful, she was ethereal. Lindsey felt a tightening in his chest, he couldn't breathe. The woman quite literally took his breath away.

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