Simply Amazing:Chapter 16

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“Wear that” Desiree said with an attitude.

“Yeah we’ve been here for 2 hours and I’ve seen everything in your closet.”Aaliyah said

I just stared at them with a blank face.

“I don’t think you understand this is Tyga’s party”I was obviously talking to myself.

After the I changed into something more simple I smiled in the mirror and I heard an annoying grown behind me.

“You can go now I’m finished”

Desiree squealed and Aaliyah ran after her…basic bitches.

A buzzing in the bathroom made me jump up and run to get it.


To:Carmen:Yes but I’m going to your house.

From:Carmen ‘____’ sure

I took one last picture and Headed out.

The picture of brooke and her outfit. ( )

“Do you want to be my girlfriend?”

The moment I said is it didn’t even seem real it made me get this weird fluttery feeling in my stomach…maybe something I ate.

What does this mean now? I’ve never been like a ‘girlfriend’ before.What do I do?.

On top of that he invited me to a party.Oh shit that’s later.

I HATE parties I absolutely hate them,I don’t really want to go,I don’t even know these people.

“I’m here!”Brooke exclaimed from the hallway smiling until she saw my clothes.

“Umm.What the fuck is that?”

“Umm clothes”I sad sardonically

“Were going to a famous person’s party and your wearing…that?”

(My outfit:

“Well yeah”I shrugged

“Well no”she marched to my closet and frowned at almost everything.

“Ugh you haven’t shopped since the ‘30’s.”

Simply Amazing-T. Songz 1/3:EditingWhere stories live. Discover now