A11: 𝘈 𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘐𝘯 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘻𝘦

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A loud boom echoed through my ears the sounds of shouts from the gladers cut off, now replaced by the sound of our heavy breathing "Good job" Minho exhaled sarcastically "you just killed yourself" Thomas' face contorted in confusion looking at Minho for an answer before he turned to me, my head in my hand which rested against my leg as I sat on the cold stone floor Albys body laying limp next to me.

Shuffling was the only thing to break the silence, footsteps edging closer to me until I felt a hand on mine. Looking up I saw Thomas hovering above me "Hey Are you okay?" he asked kneeling next to me, suddenly my blood began to boil how could he think this was okay how could he think I was okay "Do you think I'm okay?!" I snapped his face now moving to shock "Do you think any of this is okay?!" I shouted once again signalling to the closed doors and Alby's lifeless  body "I survived a night in the maze once okay I cant do it again!" I finished now realising Thomas's face a mixture of confusion and sadness now stepping away as tears brimmed my eyes.

I reached a hand to my face rubbing my tired eyes, wiping away the tears in the process, then moving up to my hair feeling my hands shake as tightened the ponytail on the back of my head. My breath suddenly catching in my throat as I felt muscular arms wrap around me, my head pressed to a hard chest ; butterflies swimming around in my stomach and goosebumps forming on my skin however a feeling of comfort and familiarity swarming me.

"I'm sorry I cant imagine what you went through" Thomas muttered from above me I could practically hear the eye roll from Minho as he scoffed shaking his head "Hey Romeo and Juliet lets go if we don't move now were dead" he said me and Thomas breaking apart "Well deader than we already are at least" He muttered under his breath as he began to stand up Thomas going to Albys over side however stopping examining the cut on his forehead.

"What happend to him?" he questioned looking between me and Minho "What does it look like?" Minho asked rhetorically "He was stung" he then elaborated his voice growing slightly sadder.

"What happend to his head?" The brunette questioned once again "He did what he had to do" I defended looking at Albys head remembering everything he said.

I was cut out of my thoughts as an ear piercing screech resonated through the maze "We gotta go the maze is already changing" Minho said glancing towards me suddenly grabbing my arm and dragging me further into the maze "Minho what are you doing?" I said pulling out of his grasp "We cant leave Alby" I said pointing back to the un-moving body of Alby ; Thomas stood next to him.

I ran in front of the boys as they still carried Alby on their backs struggling breaths coming from both of them as we passed through hallway after hallway. I was guessing we were in sector two but really we could be anywhere as everything was black. Just pitch black, to the point were you could barley see your hand in front of your face.

It was obvious Minho was struggling with Albys weight the exhaustion clearly settling in as they both sat Alby down by a wall as I looked around for any greivers nearby.

"This isn't gonna work" Minho said from behind me however no one could reply as a loud screech came from further in the maze, the keeper now pacing back and forth running his hand through his dishevelled hair "We gotta go. We gotta go" he repeated growing more worried by the second

"I'm not leaving Alby, Minho" I told him as I grew agitated at Minho's persistance to leave him. "W-what are you talking about? We gotta do something. We gotta hide him" Thomas protested the fear and stress bubbling up inside of me the feeling all to familiar to the last time.

"Were?" Minho said through gritted teeth "I don't know. Are you telling me there's not a single place we could take him?" Thomas said growing slightly annoyed. Minho suddenly snapped and lunged towards Thomas' grabbing his collar shoving the boys back against the wall.

𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | Maze Runner | Thomas ✔Where stories live. Discover now