A9: 𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘈𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯

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Grey. That was all I saw. The floor, the walls, everything was grey.

Our footsteps resonated around the maze followed by our heavy breathing as we ran further into the maze my legs and lungs already burning from the running. We were slower than usual today as Alby isn't a runner so we had to stop more times than usual to wait for him to catch up but I was actually alright with that as I got to rest more and catch my breath.

"I don't think he came through here" I panted to Minho before turning around to see if Alby agreed until I realised he wasn't there. My feet stopped moving as I turned to look for the dark skinned boy. Minho realising too as he turned to see what the problem was "Alby?" I shouted slightly concerned as Alby didn't know his way around the maze and because it was lunch and we were supposed to be back soon. "Alby" Minho repeated again after no response came.

Panic welled up inside me as no response came "ALBY!" I shouted even louder. What if he was lost? What if he was hurt? I couldn't loose another one of my friends. Another one of my best friends. Especially Alby he was the one to come up the box after me, we spent three years together in here, he became one of my good friends, one who I could talk to for anything, he would throw anyone who hurt me in the pit even if it was a tiny scratch, like the rest of the boys he protected me - even though I didn't necessarily need it - he did.

Suddenly a loud scream resonated around the maze, both me and Minho sprinting in full speed to find him. However stopping as the screams died down both of us looking around to see if the leader was close however I felt Minho's body being torn from my side landing with a hard thud behind me.

"MINHO!" I yelled as I took a step towards him however to be stopped by an angry looking Alby. His eyes pitch black, blue and purple veins running up his neck just like Ben. He'd been stung.

He was breathing heavily through his nose until he finally spoke "You did this. YOU DID THIS!" He pointed a finger at me his voice growing into a shout. Before he suddenly lunged at me, however I swiftly dodged, him sprinting in the opposite way as he panted trying to catch up. Being one of the fastest runners in the glade it wouldn't be too easy for him.

I quickly turned a corner not watching were i was going as I found my self in a dead end, my heart beating out of my chest and my lungs burning as Alby rounded the corner as well, his face more angry than before. "It's your fault ! You did this Grace!" He shouted pointing a finger at me "You and your boyfriend!" My mind went back to the dream, now more than ever I wondered the story behind me and Thomas. Who was he? Who was I ?

I quickly shook my self out of my thoughts - remembering my situation - until suddenly Alby charged towards me, he grabbed my arm pulling me towards the floor groaning in pain as I landed on the stone floor, Alby climbed on top of me however I lifted my foot - pushing him off with the small amount of strength I had "Alby I dont know what you're talking about !" I shouted quickly trying to lift my self up however being stopped from fleaing by a hand clamped around my leg.

The sound of screaming came from down the corridor, distracting the leader I lifted my foot stepping on Albys arm, as he grunted in pain letting go of my leg now getting up to face Minho who came charging down the hall, suddenly crashing into each other now both of them rolling over each other.

My eyes darted around looking for a way to help thinking of anything in my possession to use against the unstable boy. My katanas? No they would just hurt him more. Vines? No. My mind ran for a solution until they found one. "A rock!" I whispered to my self turning from the scrambling boys picking a single rock layed by the wall. Quickly turning back around to see the dark skinned boy hovering over the Asian boy, taking a few steps forward now inches from the two I swung my arm forward, the rock colliding with Alby's head - his body falling limp on top of Minho's before pushing him to the ground next to him.

Both of us let out a sigh of relief. My hand reaching for my necklace checking to see if it was still there. Luckily it was. "You okay?" I asked a panting Minho "Ye You?" he repeated the question back to me - nodding in answer.

I slowly stepped towards Alby, carefully inspecting his head, blood falling from a small cut on his head and a bruise forming around it "What was he talking about?" Minho asked from behind me as I slowly turned to face him, my mouth opening and closing a few times but no words came out "It's okay I know he's been stung...he's out of his mind, he doesn't know what he's talking about I just wondered if you knew?" He said breaking the silence, empathy laced in his voice.

I shook my head slowly my lips twitching into a small reassuring smile to which he copied. The clouds above us slowly turned grey casting a dark hue over the maze, now everything was a darker shade of grey making the maze much more eerie and gloomy. A drop of water splashed on my arm causing me to look above me suddenly more rain closing in on us "Come on we gotta go the doors will be closing soon" I said suddenly realising the time, helping pick Alby up, slinging his arm over my shoulders, Minho doing the same; both of us grunting at the realisation that Alby was quite heavy especially for us two.

Both of our grips held tightly on Alby, my arms already strained as we started to walk back to the doors Alby being to heavy to run with, both of us hoping we would get back to the glade before the doors shut.

One thing was on my mind. Thomas. Once again he somehow managed to slither his way into my mind along with hundreds of questions that followed him. Did I know him? Did he know me? Did we love each other? Did I used to like him? Did I create the maze?

However non of these will be answered if we don't get back to the Glade.

Hi. This chapter is kind of short and also a bit of a filler but I'm sorry I haven't posted a lot on here this paragraph has been kind of hard to write but I'll try to write some more any way hope you enjoy. Sincerely Isabel

𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | Maze Runner | Thomas ✔Where stories live. Discover now