A0: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘎𝘭𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳

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Voices screamed into my head.


Various scenes played out before me somehow familiar to me but I couldn't quiet grasp on to what was happening or how I knew.

"The flare is spreading this is the only way"

"Stop" I heard myself mumble screwing my eyes shut even more.

"I'm sorry"

The shadows in my eyes flashed turning from dark to light and as I opened them to only a squint I could see florescent lights blinding my eyes as they passed before dimming as it floated out of view

"This is truly unfortunate"

"Take care of him for me resa "

Voices mixed inside my head, only making out a few of them one a young girls voice and one a boys both maybe my age and both extremely familiar.


Suddenly another voice entered my head this time an older one, a women's voice and like the last two familiar saying a few ever increasingly eerie words.


I could almost see wires? A lab full of futuristic technology and something that scared me the most ..... bodies ? Dead bodies.

"WICKED is good"

A loud ringing filled my ears causing me to wake with a jolt. Darkness consumed me only to be released by the flashing of lights which made me realise I was being lifted. I was in some sort of box, a cage more like as I was surrounded by metal bars and crates full of things like I was being shipped some where.

Wind flew through the metal bars ; into my face and hair making shivers run up my spine, however sweat poured down my face, it wasn't a warm sweat like as if you were under the sun in a nice relaxing place it was one that was cold and made you feel as if you stressed or petrified but that of course was what I was feeling. Suddenly the box stopped with a sudden jolt.

Screeching of itching metal filled my ears and echoed through the metal bars back down the hole were I came from as blasts of sun came through the now topless box, blinding my already watering eyes. Finally my eyes became used to the blaring sun and I dared to stand up and face the outside of the box however, realising it was a bad idea as my head spun and my legs felt they were going to crumble and let me collapse back on to the cold metal bars instead I just merely caught myself on a nearby crate.

Five minuets passed and heat kept enveloping me, the once cold sweat evaporated however re-appearing much more warmer than before as if someone was spraying me with hot water, the dizziness and weakness in my legs now vanished and as I stood up straight my vision caught hold of were I was.

My gaze was some what blocked by large pieces of grass that danced and swayed next to each other in the somewhat cooling wind. In the distance my eyes shifted to the the dark trees that also swayed in the wind as rustling from both the trees and wind inhabited the meadow.

My mind began to come up with theories about the new scenery I witnessed, first a field, then a meadow maybe even the countryside, however I fully knew they weren't correct as my eyes fixed upon something truly discomforting - four sets of large concrete walls surrounding me and the so seemingly meadow.

I lifted myself out of the box the feeling of the ground beneath me disappearing by the second until I finally perched myself on the boxes edge, the feeling of stone underneath me as I let all my senses be filled. I twisted my head looking at the place I now Inhabited, all the same scenes as a moment ago, the same grass however I now could see that some patches were dried and crisp - turned into a green and yellow kind of colour, where as some were a light shade of green almost the same as the colours of leaves that floated in the trees that were spread across the outskirts of the plain.

My eyes followed the line of trees across one of the far walls until my eyes landed of something peculiar but also much more relieving. A giant strip of the grey concrete stone was missing out of the wall as if some kind of entryway, relief filled me however as sense of nervousness over came it as I realised something could easily enter the plain and attack me.

My body told me to walk over and investigate but mind told me otherwise however curiousness over came my senses as I found myself walking towards the gaping hole. My ankles tickled by the swaying grass as neared closer to the wall, questions bouncing around my mind until one stood out to them all, "Were is my family?" my heart began to sink - racking my brain to find a thought of my parents however everyone of them just the same, blurred, people with no faces - no names. At my realisation, my legs once again became weak, I didn't remember my own family or even my friends. Nothing. Nothing about my past or where I came from. Suddenly two prominent memories burned their way into my mind one a boy who was my age he had dark brown eyes and dirty blonde hair and then I realised he was my brother .... Newt? The name and image bounced around my head until the other one came into sight, it was my own name ... Grace.

"Grace?" I muttered quietly to myself, a shock to even hear my own voice. I finally pushed myself up deciding to finish the task I had set myself to finish as I continued to stroll over to the empty space of missing grey wall.

As I neared it I could see shadows casting out of the hole and seeming like the world was getting darker as I neared further to the tower of grey. It was now much taller than before and it now loomed over me "like a giant leaning over jack " I thought to myself not knowing how I knew that or who told me it, but I finally stood in the middle of the eerie hole.

Before my hopes were high, that this was all a dream and this would be a way out but no it was a large corridor,it was covered in cracks and vines all climbing up to the top of the wall as if spirits trying to escape from this hell hole.

Curiosity coursed through my body making my mind decide whether I should enter or stay here were I knew it was safe, or so I thought, I wondered what was out there, if I could escape, but what if I couldn't leave and something was indeed out there and charged through this place and killed me when I had my back turned.

The curiosity won and I took a step forward but as if on cue wind and bits of sand flew into my face as I shielded my eyes from the mas amount of dust until I heard a loud rumble and stone against stone, metal against metal, I returned my last step however stepping back three more times as what once was a hole started to turn into a wall.

The two sides came closer to each other scratching against the floor until a loud boom bounced around the the place and the two walls were now closed

And I realised I was trapped.

𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | Maze Runner | Thomas ✔Where stories live. Discover now