A2: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘦

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The tall builder lifted up the boy and threw him outside of the box, boys moving back to let some forward to look at him including me and Newt who stood next to each other looking at one and other inspecting the new arrival. Until suddenly the brunette boy got up and pushed his way past the boys and began to sprint towards the wall

"We got a runner !"Zart who was the leader of the track hoes exclaimed all the boys giggling to the comment before turning into a heap of laughs as the greenie then fell to floor."So who's gonna get him this time " I issued to the lot with a giggle as they then all turned to me with a smirk.

Knowing what they all suggested I let out a sigh pushing my way past the boys as they all giggled as I ran towards the fallen greenie, who now started to get back up as I could hear shouts and whistles from the boys. Every time a new greenie came up it was my job to go and get them if they ran away or to go and give them to Alby who would then tell them every thing they needed to know as we knew the most about the glade having being here for three years

As I got closer to the boy he started to circle around to look at the four walls that surrounded us until he stopped to see me walking over to him, eyes locking on to mine the sense of familiarity of the boy filled me once again. "Were am I? "he asked his voice laced with confusion and fear.

I held out my hand to reassure the new glader "Your safe okay... just come with me" The boy neared me and I gave him a reassuring smile as we both started to walk around the glade finding Alby to introduce the boy to his surroundings.

"I'm Alby" the dark skinned boy began "And this is Grace" he said nodding at me as the boy looked at both of us "Albys the leader of this place" I issued back to the dark skinned boy before I got interrupted by a smiling Newt headed our way "This is Newt ...Graces brother "he said with a smile before Newt chimed in, shaking the boys hand. "You know that was some dash you took there,for a second there I thought you had the chops to be a runner before you faced planted"

A smile creeped onto all three of our faces besides the greenie's before me and Newt left to go find Chuck at Albys orders as he and the boy went up into the tree house.

"I saw that you know"Newt uttered as we walked across the glade to find the Chuck"Saw what?" I asked in confusion. A smirk creeped onto Newts face "The way you looked at him....the greenie"

I shook my head keeping my eyes to the ground, I was prone to keeping secrets, not normally to Newt however, I told Newt everything  except this was something I couldn't tell him.  I couldn't tell him about the dreams not ant of it - not to anyone "I gotta go Minho and Ben are gonna be back soon" I said avoiding the question ruffling his hair and strolling over to the doors.

I stopped idly to stand in front of the the hole in the wall staring down the dark maze corridor until I heard muffled footsteps nearing me and as I turned around I saw the greenie a curious look on his face and behind him Chuck hurriedly running after him panting. "Hey Chuck ...Greenie you know your not supposed to be over here "I said acknowledging them both however only Chuck answering me back "We know...sorry the greenie dragged me over here"

My eyes turned back to the greenie who stared down the corridor with nervousness in his eyes, I reached my hand out to say something to the hazel eyed boy but instead cut of by the sight of Minho and Ben coming out of the maze both with tired looks on their faces however a smirk planted in between Ben's lips "Hey G. hey Chuck I see you got the picked for the tour "

Both me and Chuck replied with a annoyed look "I see you got picked to be the ass hat of the glade Ben." i fired back at Ben who could only chuckle at my response, before Minho ran past me reaching his hand out to give me a high five as he then turned and ran following Ben towards the dead heads.

"I thought you said no one was aloud out there?"   Me and Chuck glanced over at each other before turning back to the tall brunette boy "You aren't but me and the runners are"I told him another confused look etched on his face however before I could explain I was interrupted by a loud shout "HEY!" I turned to face a large and highly annoyed Gally until suddenly his body pushed past me making me stumble a few steps back, seeing him launch the greenie a few meters in front of him and suddenly multiple shouts and pairs of footsteps came running towards were we all once stood.

"We gotta stop meeting like this greenie"I heard Gally say from his towering position over the greenie until the brunette boy pushed past him shouting in anger as the ret of the boys made their way over.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys why wont you tell me whats out there?"the boy shouted from his position at the entrance from the maze.

"Just calm down alright" Newt said turning to face the greenie.

"Were just trying to protect you"Alby issued to the greenie.

Suddenly a screech came from inside the maze. Everyone fell silent,turning towards were the sound came looking back down the dingy maze corridor. Soon a gush of wind blew towards us, sand and dust flew into our faces mixing with my hair as we all covered our eyes until finally another noise was made this time louder and closer until suddenly the maze doors began to close the stone and the concrete floor scraping together until finally the doors boomed shut.

"Next time i'm gonna let you leave" Gally issued to the boy before walking off followed by the rest of the boys leaving me and just the brunette haired boy.  I reached and placed my hand onto his shoulder as waves of butterflies and familiarity coarsed up through my arm.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he turned to face me, butterflies swarming in my stomach "Ye i'm sorry...for causing you all this trouble." He said looking at the ground making me furrow my eyebrows and look at him as if he was absurd "There's nothing to apologise for. You're new here and its a scary place I get it but there's no need to apologise." I said reassuringly making him look back up at me "By the way there's a bonfire tonight, we have one every night so you better show up." I said taking my hand off of his shoulder and slowly backing away, my hand already missing the warmth "Okay I will." He said before I walked away and back into the glade, excited to see him at the bonfire. 

Hi !

I keep seeing people write a note at the bottom so I thought I would do one seeing as i haven't wrote one on the other chapters so ye.

I hope your enjoying it so far sorry i haven't posted in a while this chapters been kind of hard to write and i'm back at school so ye i hope you enjoy and i'll try and post more regularly so ye .

Goodbye Isabel !

𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | Maze Runner | Thomas ✔Where stories live. Discover now