A4: 𝘞𝘢𝘴 𝘐 𝘐𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘛𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘴 ?

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A white light shone into my eyes, blurring my vision, slowly coming back into view. Short warm breaths tickled the back of my neck as the person finally spoke "you made that ?" the voice spoke sounding all to familiar ,it was a deep voice like a boy ,it was comforting. I turned around to see a glimpse of dark brown hair and hazel eyes, it was Thomas."ye...why you jealous" I replied turning away from his features and back to the computer we were originally looking at: a part of  what looked like the maze on the screen its dark walls prominent to my surroundings.It looked like I was in some type of computer room wires and loads of technology around the room.I was dressed in white;so was Thomas, so was the rest of them.

My mind faded into darkness before another bright light shone into my eyes slowly another picture formed again: me and Thomas stood in a room the same bright colour, like our clothes, like every thing else in the place.

We were stood looking into each others eyes closer than iv'e ever been with some one besides Newt who I now started to wonder were he was. Thomas' eyes stared into mine until he suddenly flicked his gaze downwards, his hands letting go of mine; pulling out a small box.

He slowly opened it revealing a small circle on a chain,he picked the metal up throwing the box on the bed next to us finally showing me what the thing was.My necklace.The initials T+G carved into it "I love you Grace "he whispered before clasping the lock behind my neck "I love you too Tommy" I whispered back before suddenly darkness surrounded me; I was falling farther and farther, the void getting darker and darker until finally I woke.

My body jolted up beads of sweat trickling down my forehead my hands clasped the side of my hammock,my chest rising up and down with every breath I took. My hand reached for my necklace that lay on my chest once again thoughts racing through my mind.Was that real?How did I remember?Did I know Thomas before the maze?Did I really love him?

I was snapped out of my thoughts as a twig snapped from behind me.I turned to see the boy who's story and our past relationship confused me the most. Thomas. His eyes glistened with the grey light of the morning sun, panic, confusion and sweat all laced on his face as he parted his mouth "sorry did I wake you?" he whispered with a slight quiver in his voice "no...no just a nightmare" I replied a slight heaviness in my chest as I remembered what I saw.

"Why are you up so early" I asked changing the subject. His hand reached for the back of his neck as if he was hiding something, "Nightmare" he said as if not wanting to talk about it; but I mean I get what he feels just having one myself "Oh... i'm sorry." I started "I got them on my first day as well. Nasty little buggars aren't they " I said my accent more prominent than the minuet before. I could see Thomas stiffle a laugh only to let a giggle out myself letting him know it was okay to laugh as well.

"You know it gets better. The first few days are the worst, but I bet you're a lot stronger than you think you are." I said after our giggles had stopped, a slight blush appearing on Thomas' cheecks as he looked down causing me to copy his actions, looking down at the digital watch on my hand, it was there the day I arrived everyone else had them when they came up including the boy in front of me. I realised the time and quickly shot up Thomas giving me a concerned look "I have to go in the maze " I muttered rushing away towards Chucks hammock. I reached down looking at the plump boys face - he was sound asleep, I brushed the top of his hair away from his forehead and planted a kiss on the boys forehead. I did this every day before going the maze as if it was some kind of goodbye I couldn't imagine loosing Chuck he was like a second brother to me.

I looked back up to see Thomas stood watching the sleeping boy an adoring look on his face. I motioned him to follow me I don't really know why there was nothing to talk about, nothing interesting to show him - I guess I just really like his company. I grabbed my katana's from the weapons room along with my pack Thomas just stared at me in awe as I took one out and swung it around a bit to test my ability once more before leaving the hut and making my way to the kitchens with Thomas still by my side.

I opened the squeaky door to reveal Frypan and Minho both conversing with each other as Minho stuffed his runners pack with food both pausing and turning to see me and Thomas stood in the door a smirk appearing on both there faces as I made my way to the other pile of food left for me.

"Morning" I issued to the both of them, a morning coming back from the boys as I started to stuff the food in my runners pack.Once I finished shoving the food into my pack I placed it on my back;me and Minho both issued a goodbye to Frypan and headed out the door towards the maze Thomas following behind.

As we reached the closed doors of the maze rumbling started to echo throughout the Glade probably waking up the rest of the sleeping boys.As I turned my head I saw Newt limping towards us to say one goodbye before we left - like Chuck I couldn't imagine loosing Newt, the only family member I had left.

When he finally reached us he pulled me into a big hug "Bye. I'll see you later" he whispered in my ear parting with me to nod at Minho who copied his action then turning to Thomas who was still staring down the maze corridor "You'll get used to it " I said to brunette boy as he turned back to look at us " Anyway you gotta come with me Thomas so we can find you a job" Newt said patting him on the shoulder as they both started to walk away turning back to me and Minho to wave at us as we began sprinting into the maze. Thomas' eyes locked onto mine as I took one last look at his warm features before turning a corner, cold engulfing me as we ran further into the dark maze.


Chapter five is done. I really want to get to the part were Thomas runs into the maze but I have to do the one were Ben gets stung ( which is the next chapter )

so ye I hope you're still enjoying !

sincerely Isabel  :)

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