Hisoka - Silly Clown

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*A/N: Important announcements!!!

Thank you all so much for reading and voting and commenting and I luff you guys so much! Honestly wattpad is the best part of my internet experience. (Other than gaming xD)

Well, I suppose we should get back to the story now xD*

*Misaki POV*

I awoke with a feeling of nausea. My head was spinning and my sight was blurry. I quickly summoned my light powers and my nerves calmed a little. I looked around and realized I was being chained up in the same place Akihiko was more than a millenia ago. My stomach turned uneasily. Who did this to me?

"I see you're awake... Demon." A voice said in the nearby darkness. A girl stepped into view. She looked like a grown up version of the Traitor's daughter... Deanne Hanuka. Her hair was mainly cropped short, but a few long strands danced in the breeze that her nen created. She stared at me with red eyes filled with hatred. I grimaced, reminded of her father's gruesome death.

"Any last words before I send you back to hell?" She asked me with a sadistic grin. I growled at her. She laughed, an empty sound that echoed in the dark room. Then, she gathered her nen in her hands. A dark orb begun forming. I closed my eyes, regret and guilt filling my heart. How many more people were going to lose their souls, were going to die because of me? Maybe Hanuka was right.. Maybe I was a demon after all.

"I really don't think you want to do that." A male voice said. Emerging from the entrance, Hisoka came into view. For once he had a dead-serious face. Hanuka laughed as he approached.

"How appropriate, lovers once again uniting here. We should really rename this place don't you think?" Hisoka didn't pay her any attention, instead, he casually approached me and loosened the chains. I fell limp into his arms.

"Why... why'd you come?" I asked him. Hisoka stared at me, puzzled.

"Why wouldn't I come? Everyone's been so worried about you."

I closed my eyes. Not wanting to think of Lucifer.

"How touching." Hanuka scoffed. "Now, DIE!" With that, she flung the black orb of doom at us. Hisoka tried to shield me from the damage, and time slowed down. No! Not again. I refuse to let Hisoka die for my sake. I rushed forward and caught the orb, spinning it with my nen, I redirected it at Hanuka, who stared at me with horror in her eyes.

"No~! No! Daddy Help meeee!!!" She wailed as the orb engulfed her. A second later, she was no more. The orb wasn't anywhere near satisfied, and it spun in place. It was designed to devour someone with immense nen, but Hanuka was weak. Too weak. The orb sensed Hisoka and once again came barreling down. I realized with sudden clarity what I had to do to save Hisoka.

When the orb came, I was ready. I jumped in front of Hisoka, and everything stopped for a second. Then, everything exploded. The force of impact blew up the room and the mountain. Earth flew and debris rained down on the towns nearby. The last thing I remember before fainting was Hisoka carrying me out of the mess. Then, my mind went blank.

*Hisoka POV*

What was she thinking? So foolish! Misaki should've just let me get hit by the orb-thing. Instead, she had gathered her nen to try to block it. The explosion affected everything in a 10km radius. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me to a safe location. Metor city was bustling with people as usual, but no one gave us a second look as I carried Misaki into my apartment. I put her down on the bed and sighed. What was I going to do with her? Just then, a knock came at the door. I sensed Chrollo and narrowed my eyes. What did he want?

"Hisoka." He said when I opened the door. "I regret to inform you that Misaki has left the Phantom Troupe... She said that she has to look for her own life now."

"Oh." I said, confused. Misaki said that?

"Anyways, our trip into YorkNew is still confirmed... You are ready, yes?" He asked, fidgeting. Why was leader so nervous? I nodded. Leader sighed and took off again. I stood there for a few moments, confused as hell. Then, I heard a crash sound from the bed room. Misaki!

I rushed there to find her trying to get out through the window. I grabbed her arm and forced her to sit down on the bed.

"Stop it! Who are you?? OW LET GO OF ME IT HURTS YOU JERK!" She yelled in defiance. I was stunned, and let go. Did Misaki forget who I was? She seemed just as stunned that I let go. I opened my mouth to ask what that was about, but my voice escaped me. Her eyes widened.

"Woah. Sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!" She said, looking at me with confusion in her eyes. Huh? I patted my face, and noticed that tears were falling. I gestured for her to stop climbing out the window.

"It's 30 stories up." I said in a quiet voice. She yelped and got down from the window. She turned to me with more questions.

"Uhm, excuse me. But do I know you? What am I doing here? You didn't kidnap me did you?"

The questions she fired at me pierced my heart like bullets. Does she not remembered the memories we shared? All the things we went through.... Misaki....

"Do you remember anything?" I asked her. She thought about it for a moment. Then, deciding I seemed safe enough, she plopped down on the bed and told me what she knew.

"My name's Tsubasa Mirak? I think. Or was it Misaki Hanuka? Oh I can't remember. Which do you like?"

My heart dropped dejectedly and I stared at her. She doesn't remember... "Misaki." I whispered. She thought about it, then nodded happily.

"Yeah, ok So my name's Misaki. Uhmm... I had a group of friends who were like my family. They were the Phantom Troupe. I was the Black Widow. I also was friends with this assasin and fisher dude. Oh! I think there was a doctor and a weird blondie." My ears perked up. She remembers the troupe. Surely she must remember me?

She frowned. "I can't seem to remember the actual people though." My heart fell again. "However, I'm positive there was this silly clown dude who I had a thing for. Eeek! I shouldn't have told you that. I don't even know your name." She said as a light blush crawled up her face.

"H-hisoka." I stuttered out after a long coughing fit. Did she just say she had a thing for a silly clown dude? That's me right??

She smiled at me "Hisoka! That's a nice name. Hmm, I think the last thing I remember was... Uh... " Her voice trailed off.

"Gomen, I don't remember anything other than that..." She said quietly, I could tell she was hiding something but I didn't want to pry. I nodded.So, She doesn't remember me. But why had Lucifer said she left the Troupe? Something was definitely fishy. I was determined to keep Misaki safe, by any means necessary. Even if that means keeping her a secert from the world.

"Well, I found you at the base of Phoenix Hill, it had exploded somehow. I think I know who can tell you more about yourself though. Would you trust me to bring you to them?"

She nodded. "Sure, you don't seem evil. I think I just got scared because I've never seen this place before. Is this your apartment?"

*Misaki POV*

As soon as I said that, Hisoka froze up. He muttered something under his breath and got up. I jumped off the bed and screamed. My clothes were all torn and... I didn't have any pants on!!!

"PERVERT!!!!" I yelled and smacked him in the face. He stared at me with confusion, then he noticed my dilemma.

"Sorry! Sorry!" He said, and closed his eyes. He looted his closet for something that fit me. He finally dug up some grey sweat pants in the farthest corner of his closet. Grumbling, I made him get out of the room. The sweats fit, although they were huge on me. I tied the string tight and called out for Hisoka to come back.

"First things first. You're taking me shopping. Then we can go look for my memories."


ENd :Hisoka - Silly Clown A/N: Ahhhh short chapter. Sorry. Getting back into the groove of things. The next chapter should be half filler hlaf YorkNew Arc. I hope you liked this! Vote/Follow/Comment If you Enjoyed :)

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