Misaki... Misaki Hanuka

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(~kinda edited~)

A/N: See Media Section for Misaki's Hair. Photo doesn't belong to me; but it's sugoui  \(.3.)/

*Chrollo POV*

I sighed, slightly distressed. I had expected the girl to lash out and fight us, considering the amount of blood lust that was in her aura, but it seemed that she does not remember anything. She wasn't faking it, Paku assured me that much.

So then, who was she? And why was she kept under lock and key? AND WHY IS HISOKA STARING AT HER LIKE THAT. The guy needs a shrink, I swear. I looked to the girl, who had just told me that she did not remember anything, and I felt pity. Strange, I didn't know myself capable of feeling this way.

"Say, how would you like a name?" I asked bluntly. She nodded, why does she trust so easily? For all she knows we could've kidnapped her. Well, I mean we did buuuuut. Anyways, thinking of a name for her... Ah! I've got it.

"Misaki! Misaki Hanuka." I exclaimed. Misaki said her new name a couple times, trying it out. Finally, she smiled.

"I like that name!" She turned to Hisoka, who should really stop staring at her like that for gods sake she's like twelve! "Hello!" Misaki said cheerfully, "My name's Misaki! Nice to meet you." She stuck out her hand, and after a moments hesitation, Hisoka took it and kissed it. 

"Pleasure, I'm Hisoka." I really wish he'd stop looking at her like he wants to eat her (._.) Misaki didn't seem to notice. She turned to Paku and introduced herself the same way. Finally, she turned back to me.

"Thank you so much Lucifer-sama," she said, smiling. I blushed at this. "It really wasn't a big deal," I said, "but you're very welcome." This girl was adorable, I should keep her as a sister. 

*Misaki POV*

Misaki... That's my new name.It does sound pretty good. Just about then, the strangeness of the situation I was in hit me. 

"Ehh.... Excuse me. Lucifer-sama... where am I?"

"Ahh yes... well, you're in our hideout right now, and speaking of which, you should meet the rest of us."  Chrollo decided. It seemed that he was the leader of this organization. 

"Can you walk?" He asked me. I nodded, and sprang up from the bed. The three of them walked out the door with me trailing behind. We exited to a bigger room, where the rest of the people from the first time gathered.

"Everyone!" Chrollo called out, they stopped what they were doing and paid attention to Chrollo. He nodded before continuing. 

"This girl here is Misaki Hanuka."I waved shyly. "H-hello everyone." I gulped, all of them look so scary! However they were all pretty nice and welcoming after Lucifer-sama told them to be nice, and soon I felt very much at ease.

"Misaki." Chrollo called out to me after a while. I walked over, curious as to what he wanted.

"Hai hai, Lucifer-sama."

"Misaki-chan, how are you holding up?" 

I nodded and smiled, "Awesome" 

He smiled back, "That's great, you should know, you're really special..." He stopped, and shook himself. I wonder what else he was going to say? 

Changing the topic, he said "Would you mind talking to Hisoka? He can explain who we are and what we do a bit more."

"Sure Lucifer-sama" I said, and went off to find Hisoka.


He was building a card house on a nearby coffee table, and I approached cautiously. I really want to know what color his hair is! 

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