Yorknew IV

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A/N: Bow of Pride ^^

Onwards with the story


*Misaki POV*

        Another sunny morning, exactly how I felt. Ahaha. No. I narrowed my eyes at the sun, it was too bright. Everything was too happy. Needless to say, I was in a horrid mood that day. Hisoka had left already, and my stomach felt like it had a thousand carnivorous butterflies chewing at it. Ironic, since my new name is after the Monarch butterfly. Guilt clawed at me every step I took, but I finally made it to the shower, and afterwards, my new mask.

        As soon as I put it on, I felt a hundred times better. Underneath this mask, no one would recognize me, probably not even Hisoka. I let out a long breath and gathered up the rest of my stuff, then I turned the knob on the hotel door and almost had a heart attack. There was an old cleaning lady who was just about to knock on the door. She stared at my ensemble with questioning eyes. I froze, and we stared at each other for what seemed like forever. Finally, I crab walked out of the room and continued walking like that till I reached the elevator. 

        After I got downstairs, I wasted a good five minutes banging my head on a wall, earning more strange stares. Has it really been so long that I've forgotten how to interact with people? I groaned, and rubbed my temples. I really should've just lost my memories, then at least I wouldn't feel like such an idiot.

        First things first, I stopped by a bar where criminals usually met. I never thoght I'd have to resort to asking for his help, but at the moment I really had no choice.


        "You want me to whaaaat? " Fetian asked me with a completely weird-ed out expression. 

        "Please, come on. You and your friends so owe me for sparing your lives." I said, raising my eyebrows. It was a good thing he couldn't tell how much nen I had, or my bluff would've been blown completely. 

        He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously. 

        "You want me, a full grown man, to pretend to be you???" He asked again, loudly. Everyone in the bar stopped their chatter and turned around to stare. I glared at him and whispered fiercely.

        "Keep your voice down! And it's only for the day time, I'll be back by the time that Hisoka gets back."

        Feitan's face paled at the mention of Hisoka. 

        "Y-you want me to pretend to be you, that's ok. Degrading, but O.K. But to fake it to that... monster???" 

        I nodded, keeping one hand on Skya the entire time. 

        "If you don't, "I said slowly. "I'll kill you, and everyone you've ever talked to." He closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

        "Fine." He finally said, defeated.

        I cheered. "Here's the address, you begin... now." I smiled at him. He left, muttering something about wigs and helium. I turned to the rest of the group of criminals I had spared during the Hunters Exam. "Now... you guys..."

        They looked ready to bolt. I smiled warmly. "You'll patrol the perimeter of the hotel, and if Hisoka returns at abnormal times, you must notify me immediately." They all nodded, glad to be doing slightly more normal jobs. They left in a hurry, afraid I would say something else.

        I sighed and started walking out of the bar, then I realized something. The group never did pay their bills. I looked back and with a weak chuckle discovered the scary bartender cracking his knuckles.

Who is She?  ||COMPLETED||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora