Greed Island VII

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*A/N: Woah... Ok, Greed Island IS long.... Haha, well onwards we go!~*

        *Misaki POV*

        I broke away from the kiss a few moments later. Unlike earlier, my face wasn't blushing red; I was composed and cool as a cucumber. I guess the effects of Lilith finally wore off. Hisoka looked at me, lust burning in his golden eyes. I playfully shoved him away.

        "Hisoka! There's people waiting outside for us!" I said, turning around. It seemed that he didn't care about that, for Hisoka grabbed my waist and pulled me back. He started to nibble on my earlobe, murmuring.

        "Oh come on, let's stay for a bit. They've waited that long, they can wait some more."

        I sighed, and pushed him off. "Hisoka~ No." Sending out a wave of deadly aura, Hisoka finally relented, although he looked more than a bit spiffy. 

        "Hey guys! Sorry to keep you waiting~" I greeted Gon and Killua, who were waiting outside with Bisky and random dude. He looked up as we approached, and I could tell that he wanted to officially introduce himself. 

        "Hey there." He said, and as I suspected, stuck his hand out. "We haven't officially met, My name is-"

        I ignored him as I walked breezily past, and tilted my head at Gon. "So, what's the plan?"

        "We should team up with Tsezguerra." Killua suggested, sneaking a suspicious glance at Hisoka. "He might be willing to help. Have you ever met him, Hisoka?"

        "Hm?" Hisoka asked with a faint smile on his face. "Maybe. Book."

        The others didn't see, but out of the corner of my eye I noticed Hisoka use texture surprise on his book. I narrowed my eyes, what did Hisoka have to hide? I made a note to ask him about it.

        "Ah, it seems that I have." Hisoka said, showing his disguised book to Gon.

        "Here, recite this spell." Gon said, handing Hisoka a 'Contact' spell card. "We'll do the talking."

        Gon made plans with Tsezguerra to meet up, and he ended the call. He turned to the rest of us and flashed a big thumbs up. "We'll definitely gather all the cards and beat this game."

        ~Time Skip~

        We met up with Tseguerra in a secluded forest, and random dude took it upon himself to be the negotiator. 

        "So, there's six of you?" A man with an... interesting mustache asked. I assumed he was the leader, Tseguerra. I sensed two more people in the forest, and conjured my ribbon. Making it invisible, I slipped it around their necks, ready to kill if needed.

        "Yeah, this is all of us." Random dude said, gesturing to the group. His eyes lingered a second longer than necessary on me, and a light blush settled on his face. He coughed and turned back to Tseguerra.

        "There are two others in my group." Tseguerra said, and with a snap of his fingers, the two hidden people emerged. "This gives us a total of ten. Where do you plan to find the rest?" He asked with way more sass than nesscary. I narrowed my eyes. I didn't like him.

        "We can use stand ins for the remaining five, players who want to return home but can't." Random dude replied.

        "They won't be much help, " Killua explained, "but they won't care about cards either."

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