Hunters Exam VII

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*Killua POV*

I was strolling the airship when someone smacked into me. I gasped.

"Misaki??" It was unbelievable; it was as if she had grown up at least ten years. I wouldn't have known it was her if not for her distinct red streaks in her black hair.

She stared at me with startled eyes. Her eyes looked different as well, they were a pure sapphire blue before, but now her pupils switched between light amethyst and dark aquamarine. What happened to her?

"Is that you?" I asked again in a calm tone of voice, she stared at me like a deer caught in the head lights before finally mumbling.

"Hai Killua..." Then, she started to sob. Her shoulders shook as unsaid sadness trailed down her face. I reached up and wiped her tears.

"Hey... What's wrong Misaki?" I asked in a gentle soothing tone. I led her to a empty bench where she sat down, still crying

"I-it's just.. All this.. was so sudden... There's so much you don't about me Killua-kun... You shouldn't get close to me." She said, softly.

I chuckled. "You're talking to the "heir" of the Zodlyck family, Misaki... Tell me your troubles, I'm your friend, I want to help you." So she did; I listened with amazement as she told me about her life a thousand years ago. After she finished, she bent her head down and started to cry again.

"I-I was already lonely enough, but I managed to forge a life for myself. N-now... I don't know who I am anymore."

I smiled at her gently. "You're Misaki, you're my friend, and you're whatever else you want to be." She didn't look up. "Hey... C'mere." I held my arms out and she collapsed into the hug. I patted her head.

"Everything's going to be alright." I murmured. It was strange, although Misaki had aged drastically, her height increased a lot as well; before, she was at my shoulders, and when she finally dried her eyes and stood, she seemed to have at least half a foot on me.

"Thank you Killua-kun; I just... Needed to get it out of my system." She smiled at me weakly.

I nodded, "I understand, I'm here for you anytime." A voice in my head disagreed with that, but I pushed it away.


"Attention all passengers, this airship is arriving the designated location. Please prepare to disembark."

"Well, we should get going." Misaki said.

~~~In the Arena~~~

*Misaki POV*

The ten of us stood in front of the chairman, who was about to reveal whom we were all facing.

"One win is all you need to pass." He said with a stern look. "Now then, let's see who's up against who! I used information from your indiviual interviews to make this chart! The loser of each round will face the next person, while the winner becomes a hunter."

I grinned sheepishly. The chairman then lifted the covering of the oppenents. The first fight was Gon and the weird ninja guy; I scanned the list till I found my name. I grimanced, I was up against Hisoka. If we couldn't kill each other... I shuddered to think how this fight will end.

I felt stares from across the room. I lifted my eyes to meet Hisoka's. I gulped; I had forgotten that we left on awkward terms. I quickly looked away.

"...Weapons are allowed, no cheating. If your opponent admits defeat, you win. However! If you kill your opponent you will immediately be disqualified. All remaining applicants will pass, and the exam will end. Are we clear?" The chairman asked. After a brief silence, he nodded to a man in black,who announced.

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