Misaki's Descent into Hell

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        A/N: Lovely Title, I know. Thank you. =^w^=

        Just wanted to pop in and say a big THANK YOU for 7K. You guys are ah-mazing~

        The new watt pad read thing on the computer is cool *o*


        *Misaki POV*

        I stumbled into the hotel at three in the afternoon, tired from maintaining perfect Zetsu; was it always this difficult? I plopped onto the bed, where my hand came into contact with... A dead body?? I let out a shriek, and the dead person's eyes opened wide. They were bloodshot and terrifying. When she saw me, she started screaming as well.

        "Ahh! Who are you? What are you doing in my bed?" I demanded, picking up a pillow, ready to fight to the death. The girl saw my face and stopped screaming. Then, the most incredible thing happened; with one fluid motion, the girl ripped off her hair. I started screaming again.

        "What are you doing?!?" I grabbed another pillow. This doesn't seem like an easy opponent, if she can rip her hair out without so much as batting an eye, just what is her pain tolerance?? I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at her. She better not touch my hair. 

        It was then that I noticed that she still had hair on her scalp, and that she was holding a wig, and that... It was Feitan! 

        "Oh!" I said in surprise, dropping the pillows. "Gomen-ne Feitan~ I completely forgot."

        He stared at me with bloodshot eyes, and his jaw dropped.

        "Y-you forgot?! Y-you!"

        I smiled at him and blinked my eyelashes prettily. 

        "Thank you so much for your help~ Now, You'll have to leave. I'll call on you when I require your assistance. Bye now!" 

        Without giving him a chance to reply, I steered him out the door and closed it, sinking down to the ground. My happy facade disappeared, and I struggled for breathe as the curse of the Seven Sins clawed at me. I felt a burning sensation on my left shoulder and quickly looked down. Sure enough, there was a black swirl, Satan's claw. I had to get the Seven Sins back, and quickly.

*Hisoka POV*

        On my way back from the exchange, I ran into a man exiting the hotel. It was strange, but he smelled like Misaki. I frowned, why did he also smell like me? Shrugging the concern away, I entered the room where I was faced with a devastating sight. 

        Misaki was on her knees, whimpering in pain. She was clutching her left arm, where black demonic swirls were clearly causing her pain. Without missing a beat, I picked her up the floor and with my other hand dialed Kurapika.

        "Brat. Something's wrong with Misaki, where are you?"

        I heard his panic through the phone as he rattled off an address to me. I looked down at Misaki, who was still delirious from the pain, and I smiled, because whomever was causing her pain was going to be dead meat. I could see it now, their hearts being crushed by my bare hands, the fear in their eyes as I rip their lives away from their pathetic bodies... 

        "Watch out!" I heard someone softly murmur, and I stopped just in time to avoid a truck barrelling down the street. I looked around, and found Misaki had her eyes half open, smiling at me weakly. 

        "You've always been so distracted when you're blood thirsty, Hisoka."

        I was confused, she hasn't seen my blood lust form ever since she lost her memories... so how would she know that? Shaking off the question, I reached another hotel, and walked straight to the elevator that took us up to the penthouse. I cursed Kurapika for being fancy.

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