Killua Zoldyck II

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*Kiokyo POV*

        The girl leaped back with surprising speed and drew a katana. As if that will help her situation any. No one was to go near my dear Killua, he is to stay with me forever! My beloved son, the heir of the Zoldycks! I charged at the girl, meaning to kill her with a laser strike. My laser shone straight and true, but it was futile. There was an aura around the girl, like a golden halo. It was absorbing the damage from my beam. I growled and drew my own weapons, thin silver needles coated with deadly poison. 

        The girl's shield deflected them all. It seems that projectiles weren't going to work against her. I sighed, I really liked the dress I had on too... I ripped it off to reveal twin daggers and a black jumpsuit. I dashed behind her and struck, causing her to stumble forward as she bled. 

        "Sorry lady." a voice said behind me. "That was a fake." My eyes grew large as the bleeding figure in front of me melted into nen. The mass of nen... how powerful was this girl? The katana blazed with flames as it struck down on me. The last thing I remembered before falling was thinking how strange it was that the blade didn't kill me.

*Misaki POV*

        I sheathed the Katana of Wrath, and smiled thinly. I wouldn't kill the family of my friends... That would be far too cruel. The katana of Wrath has the ability to instantly knock out or kill my opponent as I saw fit. Now... To ask Killua my question.

        The cell door was open widely, and rows upon of rows of torture weapons lay bloodied. I grimaced. Killua was strung up and chain. He seemed to have passed out. I called on Aki and tried to somewhat heal Killua.

        "U-uhh..." He groaned. "Misaki-chan? What are you doing?"

        "Shhh..." I said, "I'm not supposed to be here. It's just... There's something I need to know..."

        Killua looked at me expectantly. 

        "W-what are the chocolates you eat called? They're extremely tasty."

        At this, Illumi, who was listening in on the conversation, barged in. "YOU SNUCK INTO THE ZOLDYCK HOUSE, KNOCKED OUT A TRAINED ASSASSIN, TO ASK ABOUT CHOCOLATE???" 

        I pouted. "It's important!!"

        Illumi sighed, and Killua, who was still staring at me with disbelief in his eyes, quickly muttered the name. 

        "Thanks Killua-Kun! Oh, by the way, Gon, Leorio and Kurapika will be coming up soon! When you see them, can you tell them I've left for home? Thank you~"

        I left them with faces of extreme 'what-the-heckness'. 

        On my way back to the Troupe, I stocked up on Chocolate Balls. I'm sure everyone would like a snack.


*Chrollo POV*

        Sigh, I wondered how Misaki-chan was doing. Hisoka had returned a few days ago, but without Misaki. The troupe had given him an earful for that. As I was contemplating my life, someone snuck behind me and wrapped their arms around my head.

        "Lucifer-sama~ I've returned!" The woman turned my chair around to face her.

        "M-misaki?" I stammered out. If not for her red locks in her raven-black hair, there's no way I would've recognized her. She smiled at me, and I felt something tug at my heart. Had she always been this attractive? Can I still view her as a little sister? Or... Something more?

        "Wh-what happened to you? You uhm, look different."

        As she explained her story, the adoration I had for her as a cute little girl grew into respect. This... Goddess that stood before me, calls me -sama... I realized with a start that I was attached to Misaki, perhaps more than I should be.

        Just then, Hisoka walked by. He tensed when he saw Misaki there.

        "Misaki-chan..." He murmured softly. My male senses tingled. He was after her too! I growled. He cast a glance in my direction.

        "Yes leader?"

        "GO SEE YOUR SHRINK!" I yelled at him, kicking him out of the conversation. Misaki giggled at this. I calmed down a bit. No matter what happens, Misaki would be mine and mine alone. Anyone that tries to take her from me will die. I looked over at her and saw her still laughing. It was the most beautiful thing... Her voice rang out in a melodic tone, and her hair flowed so prettily... I got lost in a day dream and didn't notice that I was drooling.

        "Lucifer-sama?" Misaki asked, waving a hand in front of my face. "You all right there?"

        I quickly recovered. "Ah. Yes, I'm fine. Uhm, I need you to come along with me to... somewhere. Yeah, uhm. Meet me here in an hour." I stammered, feeling extremely flustered. She smiled at me.

        "Hai hai!"

        What have I gotten myself into....


END: Killua Zoldyck II

A/N: Gomen gomen, it was a short chapter, but I really wanted to start Misaki's going abouts with the Spiders and most importantly, Chrollo and Hisoka!

Well, next chapter shall be actually named. Yay

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