Fem!Gintoki x Male!Reader

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Request from deafazinuj.

Y/n came back home, still a bit annoyed. After the stressful day at work all he wanted to do was snuggling and cuddling with his girlfriend. He hoped that Gintoki was home already. Y/n stepped in through the door and called out to his babe. He took his jacket and shoes off before he went further inside. He didn't see her anywhere. Y/n let out a sigh and pouted a bit. He wanted his babe.

-Love? - he called out again. - Are you home?

-I'm showering! - he heard her voice.

Y/n's mind went immediately to the images of naked Gintoki with the water running down her body. Y/n had to take few deep breaths to calm down. To take his mind off of his girlfriend he started making dinner. It was hard to focus. Few minutes later he felt arms hugging him from behind. Y/n turned the stove off and turned around in Gintoki's arms. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

-I finally have you close. - muttered Y/n as he buried his face in Gintoki's hair.

-Missed me that much? - she asked.

-You have no idea. - he smiled. - I was daydreaming about you the whole day.

-Someday you'll get fired for that. -chuckled Gintoki.

-Then you'll be my sugar mommy. -answered Y/n.

Gintoki pulled Y/n's face down and kissed him. Y/n responded to the kiss immediately. He squeezed her in his arms tight. Gintoki gasped. Y/n picked her up and sat her down on the kitchen counter. Gintoki wrapped her legs around Y/n's waist, not wanting to let him go. Y/n kissed her neck, earning a moan from Gintoki. He sucked on her neck making a big hickey where she couldn't hide it from anyone.

-Oh damn, you're so hot. - groaned Y/n.

-So eager. - chuckled Gintoki.

-I just want to kiss all over you. - he said.

-That can be arranged, but first we need dinner. - smirked Gintoki. - I can't have you run out of steam in the middle.

Y/n chukled at his girlfriend's remark and let her go. They put the food on the plates and got to eating. The dinner went quickly, but the portions turned out ot be too big for both of them. After they finished eating, all they were able to do was having a nap in each other's arms. Y/n moved down a bit and nuzzled Gintoki's boobs. She wrapped her arms around Y/n's head, pulling him closer to her chest.

-Damn I love you. - sighed Y/n.

-I love you too. - muttered Gintoki.

-I want sleep. - he mumbled Y/n.

-Then sleep. - Gintoki started playing with his hair. - You have two extremely comfortable pillows right against your head.

-Oh yeah. - chuckled Y/n before he nuzzled them further. - How could I forget about it?

-Right, how could you?- smiled Gintoki.- Make use of them babe, I know you like it.

Y/n and Gintoki just laid like his with their eyes closed. They didn't even notice when they fell asleep fully. They woke up in the middle of the night, still half asleep. They changed to bed and went back to sleep. Gintoki nuzzled Y/n's neck and smiled lightly as Y/n squeezed her in his arms. She wouldn't say it out loud, but she loved when Y/n did that. He was so caring and loving. She was lucky to have him.

-I love you. - muttered Y/n.

-Love you too. - answered Gintoki. -Are you talking in your sleep or are you awake?

-I'm still a bit awake. - he said, playing with her hair.

-Then kiss me. - she asked.

Y/n did what he was told. He connected their lips in a slow, loving kiss. Gintoki rolled on top of Y/n and wrapped her arms around his neck. After few minutes Y/n rolled them on their sides and squeezed her more. Gintoki let out a small moan as she played with the hair in the back of Y/n's head. Both of them were getting more and more relaxed. They kissed until the sleep started taking over them. Their lips stayed connected even after they fell asleep.

Fem!Characters/Genderbend x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now