Fem!Vergil Sparda x Male!Reader AU!

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Y/n was sitting at his couch, trying to finish one of his books. He didn't have any ideas for the final chapters and there was completely nothing that would help him. He tried everything. Y/n sighed and put his laptop away. He made his way to the kitchen for a small snack, but he groaned when all he saw was light and some leftovers from the chineese food he ordered the night before.

-I really need someone to take care of me. - he sighed and grabbed his wallet and the car keys. He was ready to step out of his house when his phone rang. He picked it up not checking the caller ID. - Yeah?

-What do you want for dinner? - Y/n heard a familiar voice of his childhood best forend and long time crush, Vergilia Sparda. Y/n smiled lightly. Even though Vergilia acted cold towards everyone else, she always made sure Y/n was safe and sound.

-I was thinking about spaghetti. -answered Y/n. - I'm on my way to the store.

-I'm already shopping for you, I'll see you in few minutes. - said Vergilia and hung up on Y/n.

Y/n shook his head and smiled lightly. He sat down at the table and waited for Vergilia to arrive. Soon the door of his house opened and Vergilia walked in the livingroom. They greeted each other and Vergilia strarted making the dinner.

-How is the book going? - she asked. She read all of Y/n's books and now she was waiting for the new one.

-Terrible. - sighed Y/n. - I can't find a good ending.

-Motivation problems? - Vergilia raised her eyebrow in question.

-More like inspiration problems. -answered Y/n.

Vergilia and Y/n talked about different things until the dinner was ready. Vergilia made a lot of food on purpose, wanting to make sure that Y/n will have some proper meals, not only the takeaways. Y/n was a terrible cook, that's why he avoided doing that. Once Vergilia was done cooking, she served two plates, while Y/n poured the drinks. They ate in peace. Y/n could see that something was on Vergilia's mind. She looked like he wanted to say something, but she couldn't find good words to do it.

-Vergie, what's with you? - Y/n asked eventually, getting concerned.

-Dante made me realise something lately. - sighed Vergilia. - But it will change your way of thinking about me.

-Get to the point please. - Y/n tilted his head to the side.

-I...-Vergilia took a deep breath. - I love you.

Y/n looked down, then he looked up at Vergilia smiling. He stood up and pulled her against his chest. Vergilia let out a releved sigh when Y/n kissed her forehead. Vergilia didn't need the confirmation about Y/n's feelings, even though she received it few seconds later. And it felt so good to hear.

- I love you too. - smiled Y/n. - Though I wonder what did Dante do to make you realize that you have feelings for me.

-Remember when we were in that club and two girls flirted with you, and I chased them away? - asked Vergilia, earning a nod from Y/n. - Dante reminded me of that moment and said he was fed up with us. And that I am a fool for only reading about love, when I let the one I want walk around, not claimed by me. So here I am.

-Here you are. - repeated Y/n. - All mine.

Y/n leaned in and conncected their lips together. Vergilia responded to the kiss and wrapped her arms around Y/n's neck. She ran her fingers through Y/n's hair. Y/n smiled against Vergilia's lips, rubbing small circles on her sides. Vergilia arched her back slightly pushing her body closer to Y/n.

-Stay the night. - he said with his lips still connected to Vergilia's.

Vergilia only gave Y/n a nod and let him hold her in his arms. Vergilia nuzzled Y/n's neck. She took deep breath and sighed in content, having her beloved close. Y/n cherished that moment as well, squeezing his arms around Vergilia from time to time. They stood there in silence holding each other, enjoying the moment of closure.

Fem!Characters/Genderbend x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now