They Don't Know About Us: Third-Year Part 1

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Chapter 1:

The third year of Hogwarts is around the corner, and the young Malfoy is lying in his bed, still awake, couldn't sleep. His mind keeps going towards one person in particular - his best friend, Princess Phoenix Bellamira Slytherin-Emberson of Magical Creatures.

He wasn't sure if it was her getting longer hair of a raven and darker shades of dust flowing down naturally in waves and a few curls. Draco's fingers desire the feel to run themselves in her soft locks. Or her dark grey hues lit up in interest when she reads the monthly edition of her favorite magazine. Or even when they sparkle like the night sky when she sees an adorable creature.

Draco lets out a sigh of frustration as he gets up from his bed. She is his best friend, nothing more, but why does he have a crush on her? He walked down towards the kitchen for a glass of water. Hopefully, it will calm his running thoughts.

Visions suddenly appear. Draco sees another spacious kitchen in black and soft grey. She is a young woman looking like Princess Phoenix but older, humming to herself with a smile as she's baking something. Smells from the oven baking cauldron cakes meet his nose, smelling delicious. He noticed she's wearing clothing more similar to her mother's, showing more of her moonlight skin. She notices Draco staring at her, and she smiles brighter than the full moon on a clear night. Princess Phoenix walks towards him with such grace and elegance as she slowly raises her arms to him, but he returns to the Malfoy Manor within a moment.

His ears and cheeks heat up at how beautiful the princess is and will be as they grow into adulthood, but he shakes his head to clear his mind. Draco takes a glass and fills it with water. Looking at the water, another vision came to him.

Visions of the Black Lake surround his vision as midday sunlight lights up its waters. A figure swims towards him with the same grace and elegance as before, with a tail behind the figure. As she gets closer, he sees it's Princess Phoenix in mermaid form. Her whole figure's a soft grey colour from her hairline towards the tip of her mertail. A couple of areas have darker spots on her upper body while the lower body becomes darker into a black trail. Charcoal coloured fins are where her tail end, waist, fingers, and ears. Her features are the same.

Princess Phoenix swims towards him with that familiar smile.

Draco snaps out of the trance, at first frustrated, but blushes again. She's beautiful in any form. Maybe, he genuinely realizes it. He was trying to impress Princess Phoenix because the crush on her has become true love. Their moment under the stars grows his love for the young princess. "I'm going to tell her how much I love her," Draco confirms with his personal mission.

Meanwhile, in the Queen's Wood in London, England, Princess Phoenix's sleeping peacefully for the remaining hours of the night. It's merely days before the day where she and Leith need to get on the Hogwarts Express. Everything is going well until her eyes open awake when her ears pick up something. It sounds like someone or a creature is in pain!

Princess Phoenix gets out of her bed to place on her loose jacket. She heads out of her family's cottage and into the foggy night. It took a while, but she finally found the source of the creature in pain. An adult werewolf has been injured at the shoulder while lying on the ground.

"Oh, my gosh," Emberson gasps a little, kneeling to the creature of the night, "what has happened?" she asked.

He let out a growl that was supposed to be towards her, but it came out in pain. Seeing this sight hurts Princess Phoenix's heart. She carefully helps him up on her while she quickly heads back to the cottage. The young princess gently places the werewolf on one of the few couches.

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