C58; Meeting

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--Hermione's POV--

Dumbledore called everyone to the Great Hall for some reason. Me and Ron were studying in the common room and Harry was sleeping.

"Wake up Harry." I say as I shake him.

He grunts and then wakes up. We walked to the Great Hall. We sat down and everyone began talking about what could've possibly happened. I spotted Lucius Malfoy sitting with Dumbledore, something was up.

"Guys, do you think Draco's leaving?" I ask the others as they stop whispering.

"Hermione, why would you think that?" Harry replied tiredly.

"I don't know, his father is there. His parents haven't been seen since the death of" I pause. "Y/n."

"Where is Malfoy by the way, can't see him nowhere." Said Ron whilst eating a chocolate frog.

I looked around and saw Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle sitting down together. That was odd. Where was Malfoy? Before I could ask anyone, Dumbledore had began to speak.

"Ok students, you must be wondering why you are all here, am I correct? I'm very sorry for disturbing you in your free time, but this matter can't wait." He started. 

"We have lost another student, once again to suicide. This is a very serious topic and won't be handled lightly here at Hogwarts. Every student matters. I will now pass on to Lucius." And with that, Dumbledore sat, and Lucius stood.

"Hello students. I know you are not used to seeing me speak to you, and I'm not seen in Hogwarts school very often, however, this is a matter I must discuss." Lucius said, it was obvious he was hurt, but from what?

"What's with him?" Fred said with George nodding behind him.

"Either Draco's done something stupid or something bad has happened." Neville said butting in. Neville was the second most hurt from Y/n's death. I feel so sorry for him.

"As you all probably know, my son is Draco Malfoy. You may have noticed he is not in the room." He said before his voice broke.

Everyone looked to the Slytherin table and immediately noticed he wasn't there.

"Draco has commit suicide." Lucius spat, obviously hurt.

Everyone looked at each other, shocked. Ron chocked on his food when he heard the alarming news. What was going to happen now? Harry could tell what I was thinking and noded his head.

"In relation to this, Hogwarts will be closing for 2 months until we get everything back together." Said Dumbledore, everyone staring at him.

"Albus, we didn't discuss this." Lucius says.

Dumbledore walked out of the Great Hall, most professors following behind him. 

--Harry's POV--

"I don't think this is good guys." I say to the other Gryffindor's' on my table as they look at each other confused. 

"Well Iam going to pack my bags. See ya." Said Dean before running to the common room. 

This was so suspicious. I had no idea what was going on.

"Well, let's get going. Harry, Mione, stay with me for these months, don't be going to that fat shit cousin of yours. No offence of course." Ron said, seriosuly.

I laughed it off. As we walked to the common room I quickly say, "You lot go on without me for now, don't pack too much stuff, just the essentials."

"And why aren't you coming Harry?" Hermione sassed.

"It's important, I swear. Go on." I say as I signal for them to go.

They walked back to the dorms and I walked the opposite way, the way to go outside.

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