C16; Depressed Again

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--Draco's POV--

Y/n dragged me out of there. She let go of my hand and ran to her dorm. Well thats what I thought. I went to my room to see her crying on her floor. I ran to her. It wasn't her fault, she had no control over it; but it did hurt. It hurt me.

--Y/n POV--

I went to Draco's room and cried. He tried comforting me but it didn't work. After sitting on the floor for about 35 minutes, I attempted to get up. I struggled. I layed on Draco's chest. This was my favourite position to be in when i was sad, or upset for that matter. He played with my hair and we talked. 

We talked about our insecurities, right now, I wanted Draco to be happy. 

"Draco, I know this sound weird but i always put other before myself. If my life was at risk, I'd help others first. Why did they do this? I thought this was so I could apologise to them.." i started to sob once again.

"Draco your always patient, listening to my complaints.. Isn't it annoying. Dont you hate me for this?!" I said, while crying my eyes out.

"No princess, your perfect, stop putting others before yourself. You need to stick up for yourself and care about you, and only you for the time being.." Draco said caringly. 

I knew I had the best boyfriend in the world... I loved him.

Sorry for the short chapter once again.. It didn't go to planned and now the full story/ story line has changed. I love you please vote!!

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