C39; Snape

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--Y/n POV--

"You did WHAT?" Draco shouts whilst beginning to stand up. 

I look up at him, confused.


I stand up, looking at Draco with a disgusted face. He was supposed to be my BOYFRIEND. My SUPPORTIVE boyfriend.

I stood up and ran back inside, leaving my headphones and everything else on the floor.

"Y/n I'M SORRY!" I hear someone say from behind me.

Who cares? He doesn't understand me.

--Draco's POV--

I went a little too harsh. 

"Y/n I'M SORRY!" I scream as Y/n runs from me. 

I pick up her headphones. Should I go after her? 

No. I should give her some time. 

I run back inside anyway, I have potions with Snape first.

--Y/n POV--

I run inside, this time tears were definitely rolling down my cheek. I run into my room and slam the door. I can hear Pansy and Blaise calling my name, I ignore them. I run into the bathroom and scream, punching the wall, letting all my anger out. Now, I can hear a LOT of Slytherin students bashing my door. 

I quickly put on my robes and fix my hair. I can't be bothered putting any makeup so I put some moisturising cream on instead. 

I walk over to the door, where the constant shouting and screaming was.

 I open the door and casually say "hey" to everyone around me. 

The students were shocked because A) I wasn't wearing any makeup, B) I was literally just screaming and now I'm acting as if everything was fine and C) I wasn't with Draco.

I was walking on my way until I hear someone call my name. I turn around, nobody was there. I was about a minute away from my first lesson, potions. Draco was going to be there. ugh. I sat down on the cold, hard floor. I could hear myself telling me to fuck everything and leave, at least the pain would go away.

--Draco's POV--

I entered the classroom with many of the other students. I was normally one of the last ones to go to class, but today, I was early. Normally, me and Y/n would skive lessons and start tickling each other and do dares, but today, we couldn't.

It had been about ten minutes and Y/n still hadn't come. I looked over to Blaise, who sat behind me. 

"Yo Zabini, where's Y/n?" I whisper.

"Umm dude, I'm pretty sure she came out of her dorm and came here. I saw her walk out of the dorms." Blaise answered back.

Where was she? 

If she was seen coming, why isn't she here?

Is she tickling someone else?

NO Malfoy. Quit it. Y/n would never do that.

Before Snape could answer any questions about the lesson we just had, Y/n came in. Her eyebags were somehow really bad, her eyes red and puffy, her lips peeled and she had scratches all over her hands.

 She didn't even look at me and went to sit at the front of the class. SHE HATED THAT THO. I looked over to Granger who looked back at me with a confused look. What was happening?

--Y/n POV--

I was deep into my thoughts when Professor McGonagall called my name.

"Y/n?" (McGonagall)

"Yes miss?!" (Y/n)

"What are you doing here by yourself? Why aren't you in class?" (McGonagall) 

"Sorry miss, I was just thinking. I'm going now." I say as I got up and walked to potions. 

I wasn't even thinking properly and I slammed the door open, something I would never usually do. Snape looked at me, not even asking why I was late. 

I looked around, all the students whispering. I ignored them. 

I walked to the front of the class and took a seat next to Crabbe, he smiled at me.

--Time Skip--

--Y/n POV--

Potions had finally finished. I could feel Draco staring at me. All lesson I had been overthinking. Maybe Draco had a right to shout, they did treat me like crap, but, everyone deserves a second chance.

I stood up and collected all my things until I hear Snape calling me.

"Ahh yes Miss Y/l/n. I need you to stay back for a few minutes." He said in his monotone voice.

I looked at him and raised my eyebrow.

"Umm ok?" I say.

Snape waited for the full class to leave then he began to speak.

--Draco's POV--

I watched Y/n all lesson, she wasn't working properly. She would occasionally ask Crabbe for the answers and that's it. 

Lesson finally ended and I was waiting to go last until I hear Snape say he wants to talk to Y/n. 


Snape made sure all of the students went out of class, even me. I waited for her in the hallway, I hope she was ok.

--Y/n POV--

"Y/n, you must know why I have asked to talk to you." Snape said.

"Well, um, not really. Why did you want to talk to me? I answered.

"Well Miss Y/l/n." Snape started.

"Can you like hurry up or something, I have places to be." I say rudely.

"Well Miss Y/l/n, I wanted to ask why you weren't focused in class and why did you come so late?" He finally said.

Before I could answer, he studies my hand. 

"What are these?" he asks whilst looking at the scratches on my arm.

"Ok so number one, I was late to class because I was talking to Professor McGonagall. Number two, in class, I wasn't feeling too good and three these scratches came from when I scarped my arm on the wall yesterday." I say, trying to sound convincing.

Snape nods, this shows he approves and thinking I'm not lying, whereas, I actually am.

I run out of the classroom, only to bump in to Draco.

Hey guysss! Sorry for all the different POV changing, I just want yall to see it from the character's perspective!!! Don't forget to comment and vote <3

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