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--Y/n POV--

I walked up to The Astronomy Tower, 

"I made so many memories here." I say whilst I walked up the stairs, my hands shaking. 

I walked up to the very edge of the tower, looking down at the ground. Gosh, it was very far down. I looked over to all my friends, they seemed so happy and joyful without me. I then looked over to Draco who had a huge smile on his face. aww <3

"Y/n WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I hear Hermione scream.

--Draco's POV--

I was talking to the weaslbee until I hear Granger shout "Y/n WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I turn around to see Y/n standing on the side of the Astronomy Tower. 

"WHAT THE FUCK Y/n?" I shout from the top of my lungs.

What was she doing? I was so scared. Was I going to lose her? So many thoughts paced through my head. 

"Y/n, be calm, I'm going to get you, ok?" I say slowly, trying to persudae her to come down.

"pst Neville." I whisper

"Yeah Draco? What are we going to do?" He replied quietly.

"Go up to the Astronomy Tower and get Y/n from behind so she doesn't do anything stupid, ok?" I tell him, firmly.

He nodded and walked away quickly.

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