C43; You're...

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--Y/n POV--

"We're sorry to tell you the truth... You deserve better Y/n." They both said together.

My eyes went blurry and I felt dizzy.

"I- I'm adopted?" I stutter.

Both Fred and George come over and hug me.

"All my life, I thought I was a disappointment and I tried to impress my 'parents' so badly, only to know find out they weren't even my real ones." I say, sobbing.

George pulled me into another separate hug and said "It's ok, we're here for you!"

Only one thought went through my head at that minute,

How did Harry know?

--George's POV--

When we told Y/n she was adopted her face dropped completely. I felt so bad for her. I looked over to Fred who probably felt the same thing.

We rushed over to her and hugged.

After about five minutes, Y/n thanked us for telling her and ran off into the dark corridors of Hogwarts..

--Y/n POV--

I ran out of the room, trying to find a place that nobody was. I needed to be alone and calm down. Just then I ran into something or rather a someone...  

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