Chapter 89: Dinner and War

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Skipping the part where we get to know everyone and AJ apologizing.


We all got to know everyone, we all got called over for dinner. We sit down on the table as we get bowls of stew.

Louis: Dinner is served.

Y/N: Thanks.

Clementine: Can't remember the last time we had a hot meal.

We try the stew. It was so good.

Duck: Oh. My. God.

Lee: This is really good.

AJ had the bowl in his hands and was drinking it all.

AJ: Guys?

He finished his bowl already.

Y/N: I'm sorry, kiddo.

Clementine: I'm sure they shared as much as they could.

Louis looks at his bowl then at AJ.

Louis: AJ, heads up!

He gives his bowl to AJ.

Louis: I'm full, kiddo. You can have the rest.

Carley: You sure?

Louis: You bet.

We smile.

Kenny: Thanks.

Louis nods.

AJ: I'm done.

Sarita: Already?! You must have been extremely hungry.

Clementine: I'm all done too.

Y/N: Same.

AJ: Now what?

Louis: I'll tell you what. Time for something very important.

He pulls out a stack of cards.

Brody: Oh god, goodnight.

Everyone except Violet and Marlon left.

Marlon: What's the game tonight, Lou?

Louis: War. The oldest game around. A game played by man and beast alike. The only game there is.

Violet: It's easy. Everyone gets a stack of cards, everyone flips one over. Highest card wins.

Louis: And the winner asks them a question.

Y/N: What if we win?

Louis: You get to ask us one.

Clementine: Wait, what about AJ?

Marlon: What about him? Looks like he made a friend.

We see AJ watching Tenn draw.

Marlon: C'mon, you guys can take your eyes off him for one game. You guys could use a break.

Carley: Yeah, maybe. This is his first time around anyone his own age.

Duck: Sometimes he acts more like a adult then a kid.

Sarita: It's nice to see him act like a little boy again.

Marlon: Louis? If you would?

We all draw. Violet wins.

Violet: So about AJ... Where are AJ's parents? You guys don't really look related, so... What happened there?

Y/N: Dead.

Clementine: They were nice people. For the most part.

Kenny: Yeah.... they were.

Louis: Makes sense. He's a nice kid.

We draw again. Clem wins.

Clementine: Worst injury you ever saw?

Violet: I saw a walker get hit in the head so hard, both his eyeballs flew out. Pretty cool.

Louis: I saw someone have their intestines pulled all of the way out. Like, ALL the way. It goes on for a while. We got lots of guts.

Kenny: I beat a guy's face with a crowbar. Badly. There wasn't even any skin left.

Y/N: He deserved it.

Clementine: He did.

Sarita: That's why he wears an eyepatch.

We draw. Louis wins.

Louis: So Clem.... You ever had a boyfriend?

Violet: Oh my god.

Clementine: I have one.

Clem smiles at me and grabs my hand.

Clementine: He's right there.

Marlon: So my theory is true. You two are a thing.

Y/N: Yes. Yes we are.

We draw. Marlon wins.

Marlon: You guys can't have been alone this entire time. Right?

Y/N: We had people. But these days, people are easy to lose.

Clementine: It always hurts in the end.

We draw. I win.

Y/N: Marlon, what's with the ugly ass haircut?

Everyone except Marlon laughs.

Louis: O-Oh m-my g-god.

Louis was laughing the hardest.

Marlon: Uh, what do you mean?

Violet stops laughing to answer.

Violet: He means that it looks like a dead cat. Probably smalls like one too.

Marlon: I look cool.

Violet: Whatever.

Marlon: I say it looks cool.

We draw. Violet wins.

Violet: Out of all of us, who is dying first.

Clementine: Louis. Definitely Louis.

Y/N: Definitely.

Duck: Definitely.

Lee: Definitely.

Kenny: Definitely.

Carley: Definitely.

Sarita: Definitely.

Violet: Definitely.

Marlon: Definitely.

Louis: Definitely.

We all look at Louis.

Louis: What? I'd said the same.

I chuckle. We draw. Louis wins.

Louis: Ever... actually, nevermind.

Clementine: What? Ask it.

Louis: It's not a fun question.

Y/N: Just ask it.

Louis: Ever had to kill somebody you loved?

We were shocked to hear this question. I couldn't get words out. But Clem did.

Kenny: I... had to kill my daughter......

Duck frowns. Sarita was comforting him. We all looked at him sad.

Clementine: I think we're done for the night.

Marlon: Yeah that's probably for the best.

We get up and get AJ. I hear Marlon following us.

Marlon: I hope you know Louis didn't mean any harm there. He's just the world's biggest dumbass. He's my best friend, so I can legally call him that. In the morning come find me. We can talk about making this long-term.

AJ: We can stay?

Marlon: We can talk about it.

AJ got excited. He runs down the hallway. We walk down the hallway, following him.

Clementine X Male Reader What If: If Lee and Kenny survived all seasonsWhere stories live. Discover now