Chapter 19: Restroom

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Season 2

Clementine's POV

Me, Y/N, and Duck are walking with Lee, Carley, Omid, and Christa. Christa was pregnant with Omid's baby. And we were able to find Lee a bionic arm. It has been a year since Savannah.

Omid: What do you think?

Christa: Omid, you can't be serious.

Omid: I am.

Christa: We are NOT doing that.

Omid: Why not?

Christa: Because!

We walked towards a restroom.

Omid: Come on, Christa. What's wrong with "Omid"?

Christa: We're not calling our baby Omid. One of you is enough.

Christa: Clementine? Y/N? Duck? A little help here?

Y/N: Think of a new name Omid.

Duck: It would be too confusing.

Christa: Thank you guys!

Clementine: What if it's a girl?

Omid: Then we name her Christa.

Christa: But I'm Christa. I don't want to call her Christa. That's just confusing.

Omid: So name her Genevive. I don't care!

Christa: How can you not care?! You're not taking this seriously.

Omid: I take everything seriously. Especially little Omid's future.

Christa: Keep talkin' and you'll be sleeping in the rain tonight. Remember that time in Barstow?

Omid: Vegas weekend?

Christa then walks in the boy's room.

Omid: How about you three get cleaned up in the girl's room? Me and Christa will get cleaned up in the boy's room.

Carley: We'll stay out here.

Y/N: Alright.

Clementine: I hope the sink works in there.

Omid: I wouldn't count on it. Just be careful, and make sure to keep track of your things. We'll be right next door.

Clementine: Okay.

Lee: Don't worry. We'll keep watch out here.

Duck: Got it.

Me, Y/N, and Duck  go inside the girl's room.

Y/N: Hello?

No answer. Y/N gets out his pistol and opens all the stall doors. All empty.

Clementine: Good. No-ones here.

Duck: Phew.

Y/N: Let's clean up.

Clementine: Yeah.

He turns on the sink, no water.

Y/N: Shit.

I get my water bottle and two rugs out of my bag.

Y/N: Yes! You still got water!

I smile.

Clementine: Sure do.

Duck: Thank god!

I put water on my rug and Y/N's and Duck's rug. We then clean our face.

Y/N: Better.

I reach to grab the bottle but I knock it over instead.

Clementine: Shoot.

It rolls into a stall.

Y/N: Don't worry Clem, I got it.

He goes in and picks up the bottle. Then the door opens, which scared me. Y/N grabbed both my and Duck's hand and pulled us in with him. We both stand on top if the toilet, we each used one foot. It was a woman. She walks over to my bag.

Clementine's thoughts: We left the gun over there!

The woman grabs the gun and walks towards our stall.

Woman: I see you. Get outta there.

Y/N: That's my gun.

Woman: It's mine now.

Clementine: Give it back.

Woman: Why should I? Get out here.

We do as she says.

Woman: You got anything on you?

Clementine: You don't have to do this. It's mean.

Woman: You have to to survive.

Clementine: I'm not mean.

Y/N: She is telling the truth.

Duck: None of us are mean.

Woman: What else do you got!

Y/N: That's all!

Woman: Don't lie to me.

Y/N: Just walk away.

Woman: Gimme that hat.

Clementine: No.

Woman: Where'd you get it?

Clementine: My-

Y/N: None of your business.

Woman: Just give it to me.

She gives up and goes back to searching the bag.

Woman: Junk. Junk. Junk. And more junk.

Lee's POV

Me and Carley were waiting outside. We then went to sit down at the bench behind the restroom.

Lee: Man, what a day.

Carley: Yeah. We are still alive and well.

Lee: And Omid and Christa will be having a kid.

Carley: Things will get harder.

Lee: But we have each other.

Carley: Yeah, we'll get through anything.

Me and Carley start to make out, it lasts for a while. Then we heard shouting inside the girl's bathroom.

Lee: Shit! We weren't paying attention!

Carley: Come on!

Clementine's POV

We see the door open slowly. It was Lee and Carley.

Woman: You two got nothing but shit! There is nothing good.

The woman gets a picture of Lee out.

Woman: This your daddy? What a bozo.

This made me sad. I look at Y/N to see anger in his eyes. Lee slowly walked over to disarm the woman but the door closed slammed. The woman turned around. But before the woman shot Lee, Carley got her gun and quickly shot the woman in the head. Her body falls to the floor. Christa ran in with a musket, Omid followed.

Omid: We heard a gunshot!

Christa: Are you guys okay?!

Lee: We're fine.

Carley: Got this bitch before she shot Lee.

Duck: That was a scary moment.

Y/N: Let's get out of here.

Clementine: Yeah, the walkers probably heard the shot.

We then walk out and away.

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