Chapter 36: Storm

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Me and Clem walk outside where Walter had the knife.

Clementine: Walter?

Y/N: Are you okay?

Walter: I always liked this knife. Gave it to Matthew when all this started. I know he's dead. Who did it? Was it that kid? What's his name... Nick? Heard him talking earlier. Something about shooting a man. I can see. I can see it on his face.

Clementine: It was us. It was our fault.

Walter: Jesus. I... I don't feel good.

Y/N: Nick shot him.

Walter: Is... is Nick a good man? Or is he like everyone else?

Y/N: He is.

Clementine: He's a good guy, Walter.

Nick then comes out.

Walter: He was always going out alone. I told him something like this would happen. But he wouldn't listen. No, Matt always knew best.

Nick: "Whisper" What's going on?

Y/N: "Whisper" You need to tell him.

Nick: "Whisper" Tell him what?

Clementine: "Whisper" What happened on the bridge.

Walter then turns around and sees Nick.

Walter: Tell me what you did. Just tell me, son. Tell me what happened.

Nick: From a distance it looked like anyone. I... I thought he was going to shoot my friends. And I shot Matthew. But it happened real fast. I didn't know I hit him. But I did, and... I didn't mean to.

Walter: Do you know what you've done to me? Do you have any idea?

Nick: I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Walter.

Walter then throws away the knife. Then the windmills got faster. It was loud. Everyone walks outside.

Kenny: Walt! What's going on?!

He then looks at the windmill.

Lee: This storm's got it spinning outta control. That sound's gonna draw walkers. We gotta shut it down, now!

Carlos: Nick, help me carry the guns.

We all run to the windmill.

Luke: Hell is that?

The lights shut off.

Kenny: Dammit. Transformer must have gone. Gotta check it. I could use a hand.

Carley: Me and Lee will help you.

Luke: I'll go with you.

Then the four run off. Me, Clem, and Duck fix the windmill and turn it off. But walkers were already here. We all start shooting them. We then run to the lodge. We see Nick in trouble.

Nick: Help me!

Walter then shoots the walker and saved Nick.

Carlos: Get inside!

We run inside the lodge.

Clementine X Male Reader What If: If Lee and Kenny survived all seasonsWhere stories live. Discover now