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Now that everything has calmed down I finally have some alone time with my angel! Then there's a knock at the door! We look up from the table and I go to the door! As I look thru the peephole I see a familiar face! Wait what is he doing here I think to myself? I open the door to be greeted by my father!
Hey son I know my visit is unexpected since you will only be here two more days but we need to talk! My father says to me! I look to my angel who has a concerned look on her face. I will just leave you two alone and take my shower she says! As she walks out of the room I hear the bathroom door close and the shower turn on!
Hey dad what are you doing here I say to him! Son your mum told me about Catherine and the baby boy she's hidden from you! I know we were just starting to get back to the trust between us I don't want anything messing that up! I think her son needs to have a test run so we can see who the dad is! Once dad is through talking I notice a change in his demeanor! Alex I'm so sorry about last year! Please know I never meant to hurt you!
Dad can we please not bring this up around Treasure she's been thru enough without adding my drama to the mix! Yes I completely agree which is why I'm going to see Catherine today and suggest the blood test! I need you to let me know when you are available to be tested! Oh son anytime is good for me. I'm ready to put this chapter behind us so we can move forward. You have an amazing young woman and you don't need anything to try and come between that!
Also there is one more thing I need to tell you son! What's that dad! I'm leaving your mum! What I say practically screaming! Why? Well son I've fallen in love with Hannah and I owe it to her to see where this goes! I'll be filing for divorce Friday! I just wanted you to know from me! As soon as he's finished with those words I scream at him!  You can't leave my mum! You have hurt her enough! I say not caring my angel can hear me. She comes running out of our room! What's going on? Oh dad was just leaving baby!
Dad I think it's time you leave now! No Alex! Treasure is apart of this family and she deserves to know as well! Treasure I've decided to leave Annette! I've fallen in love with my secretary Hannah and I want to be with her! Treasure looks over at me! She can tell this news has angered me greatly! Oh when are you planning on leaving she asks him! I'm filling for divorce Friday!
Listen Felix, I know you mean well but please don't upset her anymore than she already is! My angel looks to my dad then back to me! Dad finally says well I'll leave you two alone now! I'm headed back to the airport! This was a quick trip! I'll see you back at home! He quickly walks out the door leaving me with tears running down my face from the anger boiling inside me! Alex baby are you okay?

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