The Poetry Reading

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While we are on our way to the poetry reading Isabella tells me she would gladly help me get a job working at the hotel! We will get you settled in and look for apartments tomorrow if you would like to! She says to me! Yes that would be wonderful I say to her! I've saved a little over $50,000 over the past two years from my job! I put it into a secret account Aaron did not know about!
Wow that's a beautiful library I tell Isabella! It's so tall and has a beautiful historical look to it! There are maybe 7 cars here so it won't be too many people and my social anxiety won't be too bad I think to myself! Alex opens my door and takes my hand to lead me out of the car! We go inside and take our seats at the second table!
We sit and listen to the most beautiful poetry for an hour and a half then we decide to go back to Isabella and Alex's house to watch movies! You can stay here tonight Isabella says! We have extra rooms! She leads me to a room that has a giant king size bed in it! It's beautifully decorated and it even has a flat screen tv hanging on the wall!
We go to the movie room to watch a movie and we all agree on the movie Cheaper By The Dozen! We sit and laugh together and I finally feel like I can breathe! I didn't realize I had felt so trapped in Raleigh until I made this move to Paris! I feel my eyes getting heavy so I excuse myself and head to my room that Isabella loaned me for the night! I climb under the covers and drift off to sleep excited about looking for apartments tomorrow!
I wake up to a fresh aroma of coffee and realize someone had placed a cup of coffee on the nightstand! I get up and look out the window at the most beautiful lakeside sunrise I've ever seen! Isabella had given me some pajamas to sleep in so I could sleep comfortably! As I step outside of my bedroom I see Isabella! You will need something to wear today she says! I have some jeans and a pretty shirt you can wear! She says! I am so ready for today! I can finally start piecing my new life together! I say to her! We will go to the hotel first and speak to my boss about putting you to work! She says! Thank you so much for everything I say to her!

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