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As I wake up I look up to see Alex sound asleep! I climb out of bed and head to the couch! I pick up my phone and text Bella! Hey Bella tell me about Catherine! I click send then hear Alex say baby where are you! I go back to the bed and lay down next to him! I just woke up! I'm here! He looks up to me then takes me into his arms and kisses me so gently but intensely! I'm sorry I miss you when you aren't next to me! He says smiling and staring into my eyes! His blue eyes are so intriguing!
Here lay down on my chest and let me hold you a little bit longer! I oblige him and lay my head on his chest! This feeling is so amazing! I love how he makes me feel! Then I hear my phone buzz! It's a text! I'll be right back I tell him! When I look at my phone Bella has sent me a text! Call me when you are away from Alex! The text read! Okay I will soon I quickly reply! I go back to the bed and sit next to Alex! Listen baby I have to run to town but I'll be back in a few! Is croissants ok for breakfast? Yes I've grown rather fond of them I say! He smiles at me then kisses me on my lips!
He gets up to take a shower and I lay here waiting for whatever it is that Bella needs to tell me! I hear the water turn off and he comes out of the bathroom fully dressed in faded jeans and a very sexy white muscle shirt! He smells amazing! He sits down to put on his shoes! I won't be gone long baby! He kisses my forehead and heads to the door! Okay be careful I say to him!
After he leaves I wait a few minutes then I call Bella! Treasure hey! Hey Bella what's up? Well I need to tell you about Catherine! My heart drops! Okay I'm listening! Treasure three months after her and Alex started dating he found out she cheated on him! He was very hurt. That's not the issue though! It's how he found out that's the issue! What? What do you mean? What happened? I say to her unsure if I'm ready to hear the answer!
Treasure he found her and our dad in a club! They were dancing and kissing in my dads private room! He was very hurt and he swore to never speak to her again! He hated my dad for almost a year! They still aren't back to how they used to be though! My mum was very heartbroken and now she's back! Catherine is back! He didn't have any interest in any other female until you! He acts so differently around you! Now he found out he has a son! That has to be so difficult for him since it could either be his or my dads baby!
Oh my wow I don't know what to say! Bella I promise I'm not going anywhere I'm sticking by Alex and I'll help him thru this! Thank you Treasure! I really am grateful he found you! Please give him a hug when he comes back! Oh and please don't tell him I told you! He would be very upset with me! Don't worry I won't say a word Bella! Thank you so much for telling me! You have a good time in London I'll see you when you are back! She says! I quickly hang up the phone!
Astounded by the information just given to me I now understand why Alex was so concerned when he saw me in the door yesterday! I need to assure him this will not change anything between us! I hear him turning the door and he steps in! Quickly I rush to his arms wrap my arms around him and pull him into the most intense kiss ever! We kiss for a few minutes then I look up to him his eyes looking into mine I'm not going anywhere! He looks at me and smiles then says I know! I love you Treasure so much! You make me so happy! I love you too Alex! Thank you for everything!
So do you want to talk about Catherine? I ask him! No babe I really don't! He says to me! We sit down for breakfast when there's a knock at the door!

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