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Fuck it.

Just fuck it.

Fuck my motherfuckin' life.

Today was fuckin' horrible.

I cried so many times, I lost count.

I wanted to talk to my father about my depression, but then he fucks it up by yelling at me over stupid shit before I could.

He's just like, "Your behavior is out of control. You need you get yourself together Malikah."


What do I fuckin' do wrong?!

Um, do I smoke weed, do drugs, fuck around or some other shit?

Fuck no.

Then, he tells me I need to watch my language because the words I use shouldn't be said by me.

You curse every damn day.

Hypocritical af.

I curse because I'm upset.

But, I guess you just think I curse because I'm bored or some shit?!

Um..... K.

He also said I shouldn't have any say in anything.

Like anything I say doesn't matter.


Like, after that, I was so pissed and upset.

How am I out of control, like what the fuck?

I didn't even want to talk to him after that.

Then, my Grandma. She knows me well. She's noticed I've looked upset lately. So, she asked me how I felt.

After that, I broke down in tears.

I only told her that I feel like a bitch for moving out from my mom and going with my dad because I never see my mom anymore and I miss her.

I was scared to even tell her what was even really going on with me.

I couldn't even speak that much tbh.

Then, comes my uncle. He's just rude as fuck. Before I went to bed, he basically yelled at me like my father did, but more disrespectful. He made me feel stupid and like a bitch.


Fuck you. That was so unnecessary for him to do that.

Fuck it.

This is ridiculous.

Even when I try to talk to someone about it, it doesn't work out.

Like, I give up.

I don't know what to do.

I don't know when the next time I'm updating  I don't know if I am updating.

This is just...

Fuck, I give up.

Stay Away 2 (sequel to Stay Away) | #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now