1. Everyone knows Ai Mikaze doesn't know how to "feel"

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         'Anime is life. Reality is evil. People who make a big deal out of their 3D lives are idiots. They don't watch, don't even know, or don't even care about the true essence of anime or manga. They label us otaku's off like we're nothing. They bad mouth all of our feels, tears, laughter, and frustrations whilst watching these shows or reading these "comics" just because it's a "cartoon." And high school is no different. No, it is even worse. Which is why I will conclude my essay with this:

         Anime is all that I need in my life, and if you happen to disagree and believe it to be nothing like the rest of the scum in this academy, you honestly need help.'

          "Oh my God, Miyuki! Would you please care to explain how this essay on 'Your View of High School Life' became something like this?!"

          I averted eye-contact with my furious homeroom teacher and shrugged. "W-well... you wanted my view of high school life so I simply wrote what I felt."

If anything, she should be grateful I didn't yet go all Yuno Gasai on everyone in the school despite having that kind of attitude.

          Eriko Suzuki slammed her fists onto her desk, startling me and every other teacher present in the room. The darkest glower in existence morphed her features. Colour drained from my face at a fast rate.

          "If this is what goes on through your head, you don't even have a life!" she snapped.

           I was ready to lash out at her for her harsh words. She had insulted my one and only life force, after all. But, with a loud sigh, I merely rose my hands in defeat. "I actually find that offensive, but even if I tried to explain anything to you, you probably wouldn't get it. I'd be wasting my time trying. So instead, I'll say this: Those who do not dedicate every waking moment to the 'animu' have no right to talk about life!"


I flinched. The eerie tone she wielded to draw out her letters—not to mention her devilish scowl—chilled me to the bone. Swallowing hard, I grabbed my arms to resist a shudder.

Great, I'd gotten her angry. And everyone at Seisein Academy knew nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY, wanted to incur her wrath. And yet I just had to go and incur it.

          Curse this stupid mouth of mine that moved without permission.

          Although expecting her to mutate into one of those monstrous villains in One Punch Man, to my surprise, Suzuki-sensei sighed. Then, while I stifled a gasp of surprise, she scooped up the English essay that I had flunked—quite terribly, might I add—frowning with animosity brimming in her narrowed eyes.

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