Chapter 18 *~*~*Akatsuki*~*~*

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“I like that,” Lee Mi said, jumping with joy.

“Well then I must get it for you” Kaage held the ring to her face and toss it. It landed on the 500 bottle; right on the dot. It was a perfect toss.

“Wow, little miss, your good,” the guy working the booth commented with a smile.

“Thanks, give me that big teddy bear” The man reached over it and hand it off to Lee Mi.

“Thank you,” Lee Mi smiled, hugging the huge teddy closer to her. I change my direction toward Kaage.

“Kaage, come on already,” I begged. I really need more kunai knives. All she wanted to do was play. This can wait for another time.

  “Can I go on the tea pot?” Lee Mi asked.

“Sure, go. I have to talk to Akatsuki anyways,” Kaage told her. Lee ran to the line.

Finally she was gone. We can focus on the supplies now. We walked a few booths and started at the weapons one. Good thing it wasn’t far from where Lee Mi was. We could keep an eye on her.

“How many do we need?” Kaage questioned, moving some hair out of her face. I turn my attention to the guy at the booth.

“Two 50 packs please,” I said to him.


“Kunai knives”

He nodded and then head to the back.

“So Mr. Boss, why did you decide to come join Lee Mi and me? You already knew we weren’t going to take this seriously. You could have been chilling with Akinori and Kenjii,” Kaage said to me, leaning against the counter and look at me. I shrugged.

“My mission is to protect that kid, not play around”

The guy came back and I paid him. We walk back to the ride Lee Mi was on. A funny looking guy walked behind us and slap Kaage’s butt. I was quite curious about the reaction.

“What the hell?” Kaage screamed. The guy laughed and before he could continue walking she gave him a nice whack. She knocked him out cold.

“You sick pervert,” she muttered, wiping her hands off. I looked back where Lee Mi said. Note to self: Kaage is violent. Never do anything like that or sneak up on her.

“What is with boys? I will never understand them,” Kaage muttered, sighing. I shrugged.

“Girls are the same way to guys… A huge question mark.” Kaage looked at me.

“What’s not to understand about girls? We are crazy, moody and needy. We always like to get what we want. I’m not the same like most girls though,” Kaage explained. I can truly believe it.

Lee Mi came by us jumping around like a hyper child.

“That was fun!” She shouted, joyfully. Kaage smiled.

“So lets go get your ninja supplies,” Lee Mi suggested.

“You don’t mind?” I asked, a tad bit shock. She shook her head.

“The faster I get to daddy’s, the less trouble I can be”

“But your not trouble,” Kaage replied.

“Yeah I am. I’ve been but it’s okay,” She answered. Kaage just shook her head.

We walked over to the medical stand where an old man with a white beard was working with his back turn toward us.

“Excuse me sir,” Kaage said. The guy didn’t even turn around.

“Sir?” She raised her voice just a little bit. The guy’s back was still towards us.

“Hey Mr.” I almost shouted in an annoyed voice.

“What? Oh, yes?” the man turned around. “How may I help you?” Lee Mi sat on ground, playing with the teddy bear.

“Can we get three, large bottle of that,” Kaage pointed to a brown bottle.

“Anything else?” the old ma asked.

“Seven foot long bandage wrap. That blue position bottle and that small alcohol bottle,” Kaage told him.  The man nodded and gathered up all the stuff.

“I’m going to name you…” Lee Mi trailed off.

“What is it?” Kaage questioned. Lee Mi looked up into the sky. It was quiet but then the old man return and gave Kaage the bag.

“Come back anytime, beautiful,” the man said then looked at me. “You have a beautiful wife.” My eyes widen.

“Wife?” Kaage asked, dumbfounded, drop her head to the floor. I was still speechless. 

“He’s just my friend, sir.”

The man nodded. “So you two have a kid… Interesting… Excuse me, I must set up the supplies” and then the man was gone.

My face was super red and Kaage continued to stare at the ground. Things were really awkward.

We didn’t do anything, we wouldn’t do anything. I mean I would like to do something but not that… I sighed. Never mind…    

“Kan-chan!” Lee Mi yelled, disturbing us both from the quiet.

“What?” I asked, shaking my head.

“It’s name is Kan-chan,” she let us know, staring at the light brown bear with a grin.  

“What a beautiful name,” Kaage agreed. Both girls started walking and I followed behind.

Suddenly I heard Akinori.

“Kenjii, please wait,” he pleaded. I turned around and Kenjii had tears in her eyes. She ran into me and we both fell. Lee Mi gasped and Akinori was finally catching his breath.

“Kenjii? Why are you crying?” Kaage questioned front of me. I lied there frozen until she got off me.

“What can I do? All I ever wanted to do was to make you like me. I’m sorry I’m not piss like Kaage. Please, whatever you do, please don’t hate me with a passion. I can do better,” She explained, sobbing and wanting me to feel sorry for her. I beamed my glare at Akinori. He looked directly at the ground. I stood up.

“Akatsuki?” Kaage said, touching my shoulder. I grabbed her arm and Lee Mi moved over to her side. I turned around looking ready to leave.

“Let’s go,” I muttered in a low voice.

“Akatsuki! She just poured her heart out to you and you have nothing to say?” Akinori asked in a malevolent voice.

“Why do you have such a bug mouth? Didn’t I tell you to forget it? Why did you tell her? Why can’t you stop talking about people’s feelings?” I questioned, shaking my head, irritated.  Kaage didn’t struggle at all. Her muscles seem more relaxed now.

“Lee Mi is our mission. No more drama from anyone. Understand?” the sensei voice said out of no where. He appeared behind me.

“Time to camp out. We are sleeping in the woods,” Sensei explained.

“Why?” Lee Mi asked. “Why not a hotel?”

“They will think that we went there. Let’s go everyone” I dropped Kaage’s arm and followed the sensei. Kenjii was sniffing while Akinori said kind things to her. Kaage gave Lee Mi a pig back ride. We were off to settle in the woods.

*~*End of Part One*~*


And that my friends is the end of part one in Ninja Love. I hope you enjoyed.    

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