Who's the Canary?

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Everyone knows about The Hood.

From Starling City he first appeared in 2012 a little while after local Oliver Queen came home after being stranded on an island in the North China Sea called Lian Yu.

Mandarin for Purgatory.

He wasn't the only one trapped in hell however.

Which is why this isn't his story.

Its hers.

He was in hell for five years she was trapped for six.

He was destined to be a hero. She would remain lost to history.

He would be remembered a hero with statues and action figures, known by all.

She would simply be a story, passed from text to text only noticed by those who looked.

His story was already written. She would have to change her destiny.

He would be a speeding Arrow. She would simply be the Canary.

But she would never be in his shadow and her life?

It's gonna be legendary.


"Oliver on your right." Felicity said over the comms as the Arrow took down two men in a street corner. All of a sudden he was gone. "Oliver?!" She shouted pressing her comm hoping for a response but not getting one. Suddenly she was gone too.


"What the heck just happened?" asked Dig

"Dig! You're here too?!" came Felicity's voice. "Then where's Oliver?"

"Yeah." he replied "but where is here?"

"Welcome heroes to, the Waverider." came a disembodied british voice.

"Who-? What the-? I'm so confused? Why am I here?" came a happy sounding confused voice which belonged to a blond in a pink sweater and glasses standing beside a lanky brown haired guy, a tall muscular black man and tall brunette in all black with cropped redish hair.

"Who are you?" asked the brunette whipping out a gun to point at Diggle.

"John Diggle," he said calmly attempting to deescalate the situation "This is Felicity Smoak, and Oliver Queen is probably somewhere around here too."

"Come on Alex put the gun away" Said the blond still sounding way to excited about the prospect of being kidnapped. "I'm Kara Danvers, this is my sister Alex, my best friend Winn Schott, and my boss/dad John Jones (I know that's not how it's spelled but we're using 'civilian names')

"Oliver Queen" grunted a voice pulling himself out from under a table in the back of the room which left them in the only part of the space with nothing filling it, as the rest of the area was covered in padded chairs which appeared connected to the ground with the grey walls the room looked like a theater without the screen. The vigilante was now in normal clothes which left a confused look on the hacker's face. He had been in his outfit right?

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