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"I will never forgive you"
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝

"We can't lock up a child."

"You underestimate my authority, here, Sam," Dream swipes his sword's blade with a cloth. He mask is cracked, and recently washed.

Sam looks agitated, but understands that Dream is right: he cannot challenge Dream.


Ranboo ruffles his own hair, anxious as all hell. Foolish watches, feeling helpless.

"I'm sorry Ranboo, I don't know where he is," Foolish stands in front of a half built mansion. Without Tubbo, there wasn't a point to the mansion. Where was Tubbo?

"We need everyone to help search. He wouldn't just abandon Michael and I, I know it." There's a soft growl in his throat, and Foolish agrees.

They would gather a search party for Tubbo.


"You locked up my son?" Philza jamming a finger in Dream's face, his brows furrowed and teeth barred.

"Oh. He's your son now?"

"I always cared for him, even if he was a brat. What could he have possibly have done to be locked up?" Technoblade reaches for Phil's shoulders, reeling him back.

"He disobeyed the King's orders by appearing in L'manburg."

By now, Technoblade could feel his own face change.

"King? He lived with anarchists. We don't follow any King."

Dream can't help but smile under the mask, "Not right now, you don't."

"Your favour is up, Dream," Technoblade rumbles, stepping forward, "You used it by having me not kill you right now."


The lava's heat almost burns his skin, and he would sweat but he was so dehydrated. How could the obsidian feel so cold and the lava so hot, yet he still felt... nothing. The pit of despair that had once formed, was currently a void. A bottomless pit. There was no end in sight for how he felt. Or the situation he was in.


He was in here forever.

While Tubbo was probably with Wilbur or Schlatt somewhere, Tommy was stuck in this box. This very cramped box.

The first day he had arrived in here, he had a panic attack and couldn't breathe until he passed out. The next, he searched every inch for a crack in the wall or way out. Then, he slept for a week.

There was nothing to move for anymore. Nobody. Nothing. Nowhere. He was trapped with nothing to do and no one to talk to.

Dream had put him on a no-talking-to rule. He couldn't have any visitors.

Often, he dreamt up nightmares, or situations where he would die. Some hours, there were dream's of Tubbo and the flower forest and the bee he held. There was a dream he was back on the train. He could see everyone now. Tubbo was there.

So dumb. Dream would often come and visit Tommy, and he was the only person he ever saw outside of dreams. Dream would talk about how if Tommy wanted to end everything, he would bring him right back. He would speak of some revival book.

Tommy had asked if he could bring back Tubbo.

"No," he laughed.

Then he asked about Schlatt or Wilbur.

"Soon enough."

It didn't make sense. Why did he need Tommy alive at all when he was just useless? Stuck in some small box? Filled with all his deepest fears.

There were at least some books in a chest, although he didn't know what to write. His handwriting had devolved into ineligible scribbles. Not that he could tell.

There was a clock on the wall, but he lost count of the tics. He used to write them down in a book but he lost count after he slept for a week on end. Time seemed lost.


"Will you help us?"

"I don't know why I'd help a lost cause," Dream pulls on the drawstrings on his hoodie.

"What? What do you mean?" Ranboo was facing a fear by talking to Dream. But now he was just confused.

"Why look for a dead person?"

The world turned dark. There were no stars in the sky, they had all died.

Tubbo had died? No that's not right.

Tubbo wouldn't die.

This isn't real.

Ranboo looks at Dream, blinking, "You're lying."

"Do you want me to show you?"

This is a dream. Another hallucination.

He doesn't remember how he got there, just the sound of a portal and the smell of death. It's a large room, wall to wall with black stone and bedrock.

In one corner of the room is a small brunette goat-boy wearing nothing but jeans and his ripped green button up.

So much blood. His neck. His head. It had gone everything. His head had rolled a little away.

"What the fuck?"


"Who did this?"

Dream smiles under the mask, circling the handle of his sword. "Guess who."


The heat is gone for a moment, and he knows the lava has lowered again.

"Go away, Dream," But part of him yearned for someone to speak with.

There's an awkward cough.

"No, it's me, Tommy."

"Oh. Hey Sam," He sighs, happy for an alternative to Dream.

"I wanted to ask some things," Sam starts, talking from across the where the lava would be.

"Sure." Tommy groans.

"Why did he put you in here?"

"I dunno."

"And... where's Tubbo?"

Fuck. He did that on purpose. This bastard.

Tommy laughs, pissed, now. Finally, a feeling.


"Leave. You came here just to antagonise me, and I won't have it. You bitch, you better go. I don't want to talk to yours or anyone else's ass ever again—"

"Tommy. What happened?"

"You know what happened! You're friends with that green bastard! Stop playing dumb!"

There a shuffling on the other side, and food drops into the water in the corner.

"I really don't know. Maybe I will ask Dream, but I was hoping to hear it from you."

He's lying, Tommy tells himself, biting into a raw potato.

The lava drops again, and he's, once more, alone. Maybe he should've said it. If he could. He can't even say it out loud to himself. How could he ever explain what happened to anyone else?

Iris . Blindinnit AU [DSMP]Where stories live. Discover now